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Author Topic: Ok a more direct question about ball speed  (Read 1492 times)


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Ok a more direct question about ball speed
« on: October 09, 2012, 05:09:14 PM »
So my stats as of about 6 months ago  were like ball speed 17.5ish,  around 350 revs with a high track next to the fingers. All the balls I have now were drilled for those stats. Then I started working on my speed. Today I'm throwing it mid to high 19mph, track is still high but just a half in further left of my fingers then normal, and I attempted to calculate my revs and got like 380. So my question is should I have some of my stuff redrilled because of my speed I gained? My go to drilling was the pin above my ring finger and the CG kicked out a little or stacked. Im sorry I don't know what the dual angel measurements are. Any help would be great. Thanks.



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Re: Ok a more direct question about ball speed
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 07:50:47 PM »
I dont mean to be rude, but you haven't said anything about ball reaction.

First question: What did adding speed give you? 17.5 is high enough to carry anything that 19 will, and throwing it harder than necessary is just harder on your body and harder to repeat

If you like the speed better, does it have a positive or negative effect on your ball reaction? If you like your ball reaction then you have no need to redrill. If you don't like it, then you may need to, but it really all comes back to why you made the speed change in the first place.


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Re: Ok a more direct question about ball speed
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 09:15:50 PM »
So since I started throwing it faster I have to be much more precise even on house shots. It feels likelike thethe ball is going though the break point which makes sense cause I'm throwing it quicker and my revs didn't raise enough to compensate. And it's no specific ball motion it's the most of my equipment whether it's for dry or oily.

The reason for my ball speed being faster is because 6 months I was putting a lot of muscle into the ball. I am allot more relaxed and I changed to a five step approach for my timing.


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Re: Ok a more direct question about ball speed
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 11:53:05 PM »
Well 19 mph and anything less than 450 revs is pretty much speed dominant...

I'd figure unless you have a very Mike Fagan-esque swing, you are still muscling the ball to get it to 19 mph. I understand if you're more comfortable, but if your game is already in flux, I'd recommend trying to get a better ball reaction using your physical game rather than redrilling equipment. There are a couple of things you could do to try and maintain a loose relaxed armswing while keeping your speed slower - try moving your feet forward 4-8 inches to start your approach and start the ball 3-6 inches lower in your stance. Try to keep the same rhythm as you had before, but limit your backswing....let it get only to where gravity takes it, dont use muscles to pull it up to compensate for the lower starting position. Taking smaller steps and shrinking your swing should slow you down while allowing you to stay loose.

If you have to be really precise its because your ball reaction isnt matching up to the forgiveness in your house shot. Perhaps you need to play in a different zone of the lane. Maybe try 2-4 boards farther right at the arrows and 3-7 boards farther right with your feet.

Using your equipment, you could first try surface adjustments to get the ball to pick up earlier, if your surfaces are shiny, try taking them to 2000, then 1000 if needed, perhaps even 500.

There are things you can do with drilling, but if playing a different part of the lane and using different surfaces doesn't do the trick, I dont think drilling will either.