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Author Topic: ok im gonna join in  (Read 482 times)


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ok im gonna join in
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:37:05 PM »
ARSENAL QUESTIONS, hey guys, i cant really buy any thing, but can do surface, not sure on drillings yet and i will get them figured out. i have low revs if that helps at all, and a low-med speed. Just looking to see some good surfaces to close up any gaps i might have. i will bring 5 strike balls, plus spare  i can do any 5-6 of what i have:

Track Rising
Morich Awesome Finish
Track Inertia
Brunswick Absolute Inferno
Track Equation
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
Faball blue pearl
Spare ball

thanks guys
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they''re going flat ten with their BRUNSWICK ball.

Edited on 9/6/2008 11:43 PM



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Re: ok im gonna join in
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2008, 12:01:08 AM »
Keep in mind these are rough estimates with a lot depending on the actual drilling.

1. Track Rising - best potential oiler, depending on the most oil you expect to see: 1000 or 2000 grit Abralon.
2. Brunswick Absolute Inferno (stock: 220 grit + Rough Buff.) For you, 2000 grit Abralon or 1000 grit US. Next best oiler, usually for medium heavy. Could be such with this rougher than stock finish.

3. Morich Awesome Finish - excellent Medium oil ball. comes highly polished. For you, I suspect P2000 - P3000 grit (Abralon, FEPA)

4. Track Equation - stock surface should be good for light to medium-light oil to open up the lane, at least as much as your release can do that. Might need slightly stronger than stock surface: 600 - 800 grit US + non abrasive polish, like  Valentino's Snake Oil.

4B. Brunswick Avalanche Solid - good control ball for light to medium-light oil for you. Stock surface - ROugh Buff polish should suffice. (For average rev and ball speed person, it's probably medium-light to medium oil ball.)

5. Faball blue pearl - asuming this is original pearl urethane - light to dry oil. Stock surface. (If assumption is wrong, please clarify.)

Spare ball

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