My original blue Track Triton works just fine on a THS with the right surface (currently at 600/light 2000 sandpaper, but that's actually overkill)...and a cloth that doesn't just spread oil all over
It's actually a bit awkward because I joined a casual league expecting to average 160 and not 205 for the first week. Haven't bowled any fall league (Adult-junior) since 1996-7 and summer since 1999, and I found a score sheet that 168 was my average then, so my memory was a bit off. Really didn't even open bowl for a few years either, and now the game has changed quite a bit.
Actually none of my balls are new at all, the newest is a U2 Classic (not the real U2). That ball is just weird though. Also got a Blue Dot remake (blue dot not included
) for $1 plus shipping on Ebay and a Combat Zone my ex found for free at a garage sale that I can throw with enough tape in the thumb, but really needs a redrill and new grips.
Worse, some pro shops actually don't want to redrill old balls, I've found out. I had my dad's Forest Fire Storm, which I loved throwing, but had to stuff cork and tape in the holes to try out because the guy said "Don't waste your money". Rolled pretty good for being drilled pin-in-palm because the pin-out was about 3/8". Eventually I gave it back though and started looking for something that would be it if it was made now, but probably most anything will work on that shot, I'm guessing.