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Author Topic: Rosin bags  (Read 1027 times)


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Rosin bags
« on: July 26, 2010, 12:13:51 PM »
I wanted to post this topic and get everyone's feeling on this subject. Let me go into why im posting this. Tonight we had our league meeting like always about a month before leagues start up going throught rules and everything one person decides to make a rule starting this year that you cannot have rosin bags down by the lanes that they have to stay up on the back table. He was pretty much complaining that it gets into people balls and on the floor and gets all over the approach i always use a rosin bag by the lane not messy as all cause i get really sweaty hands. Im just a pretty nervous person. I understand the rule that there cant be any other substance on your ball which i wipe off any as part of my preshot routine. I'm just kind of ranting and see what people think about it. sorry about spelling or mistakes typed it really fast