General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Gene J Kanak on December 02, 2004, 11:22:26 PM
Hey everyone,
Well, it's almost that time of year again: that's right, Old School Open time! For those of you who aren't familiar with the event, it's a five-game, plastic ball only tournament at Victory Lanes in Kankakee. Last year was the first and the tourney was a great success. We received 54 entries out of a maximum field of 64. However, due to the money thrown in by Victory Lanes and that generated by the raffle of items generously donated by Visionary and Lane 1, we were not only able to pay out the amount promised @ 64 entries, but additional spots as well! We are currently in the process of setting the date for this year's event. I am guessing that, like last year, it will be a Sunday in February. I will start an official post with all of the details as soon as a date is set. I am hoping that those of you who traveled down here last year will do your best to make it down again. In addition, I'm hoping that we'll see some of you who were not able to make the trip last time around. This event is a great opportunity to meet and bowl with some of the people who you've come to rely on for great bowling info and to test your shot making skills. At this point I'd like to hear from some of the guys and gals that bowled last year's event. Please share your thoughts on last year's tournament and feel free to make suggestions as to how things can be improved this time around. If you already know that you'd like to come down again, feel free to suggest dates that would work best for you. Remember, this event will only be as successful as we can promote. Tell you friends and bring a car load of people with you this time around. Everyone is welcome! I look forward to hearing from all of you and to seeing you this year!
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )
I got shut out of the later squad last year so I didn't bowl. I'll have my entry in early this year so I can get the desired time. Keep us posted on the date, the weekend closest to February 14th would be the worst possible weekend IMO for obvious reasons, I believe the Super Bowl is the first Sunday in Feb.
I'll try and make it this year Gene. Last year didn't work out for me. Gee, I was just gonna buy a new spare ball was looking at 88 hardness Blue Dot....maybe have to rethink and get a 74 hardness plastic hooking thingy.

Gene, keep me posted, I didn't get down last year but would like to this year and am sure I can bring a number of bowlers from the Morris, Joliet area. Thanks.
I would bowl, but I dont think I could get there. lol
"How small is too small?"
"Well, if you can masturbate with a Barbie hand, your in trouble."
What states it in?
"How small is too small?"
"Well, if you can masturbate with a Barbie hand, your in trouble."
maybe have to rethink and get a 74 hardness plastic hooking thingy. 
Are you suggesting I might have to put some of my Roto RH stash up for sale?
what is the tourney's definition of 'plastic ball'?
and where is kankakee?
It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that my thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
For The Bowling Kid, Kankakee is in Illinois and is located just over 1 hour South of Chicago.
As for the question on equipment, we allow all balls with plastic coverstocks. Core dynamics have no bearing on legality; if the cover is plastic, it is allowed. The only grey area there comes with the fact that certain balls, I believe it was only a limited series of Yellow Dot, came with a urethane-plastic blend. Those are not allowed. The ball has to be plastic. If you have a question about a particular ball ask and it will be addressed. I wouldn't worry too much about it, however, as it did not present any problem last year. And just a word to those who may be worried about balls like the clear wolf or XXXL, last year's title match pitted a Cow Print ball against a Spare Storm, so believe me when I tell you that shot making is going to make a much greater difference than what plastic orb you have in your hand. Feel free to chime in with any more questions.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )
Here's the info that I have right now:
Tentative dates: Sunday, Feb 20 or 27th.
Times: A squad will begin sometime between 8 and 9 a.m. The lanes will be stripped and re-oiled between squads and B squad will begin around noon.
Format: This is a scratch, singles event. There will be 2 squads with a maximum of 32 bowlers in each. Bowlers will bowl 5 games across 10 lanes. After the 2 squads have finished, the field will be cut to the top 16 (based upon a full field of 64) and seeded for single elimination match play. Now, last year the match play was 2 out of 3. This caused the leagues that come in in the late afternoon to be pushed way behind schedule. For that reason, match play will be single elimination until the championship match, which will be 2 out of 3.
Entry fee: Last year it was $30 for entry alone, or $80 for entry and a NIB plastic ball of your choice. We are thinking about raising the entry fee up to $50 in order to make the prize fund a bit more lucrative. I would like to hear your thoughts on this issue. Would you support the idea of raising the entry fee in order to pay out a higher amount or do you think it should stay where it was?
Prize fund: Last year we advertised a 1 out of 4 cashing ratio, but we actually paid at an even better rate thanks to the extra cash that was earned through the help of our sponsors. Here is the prize fund that we offered based upon a max field of 64-- 1st-$500, 2nd-$250, 3rd-4th-$120, 5th-8th-$60, 9th-16th-$30 We only reached 54 bowlers, but we paid higher amounts for each of the above places and we even had cash left over for additional spots. Hopefully, the same will occur this year.
Okay, that's what we've got so far. Let me know how those dates would be for you guys and let me know what you think about the proposed hike in the entry fee. I want to do what will make the most people happy, so your suggestions will not go unheard. After I get a sense of what you guys and gals want, we'll nail down a solid date and provide info on how you can lock in a spot for you and your group this year. This was a blast last year, and I expect this year to be just as fun, if not better. I hope to see all of last year's ballreviewers there, as well as some new faces who couldn't make it last time. Help me out with some input and we'll get the plastic ball rolling!
Edited on 12/3/2004 4:46 PM
too bad... i don't have plastic (except for the yellow dot) and i throw spares with a rubber ball...
It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that my thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
Bob, Lefty, where are you guys from? You know, if we're not bowling until the end of February that gives you plenty of time to get a good rate on : )
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )
I was there last year and it was a great time and a great learning experience about my sorry game! Gene you did a great job and off the top of my head I really can't think of anything I would change.To everybody who didn't go last year let me warn you.......bring your best spare shooting and be accurate. If you miss your mark your score will reflect it. Don't get me wrong it was a very fair and playable shot but it did show me how off line my shots were! Count me in this year!!! Those dates look fine and $50 is fair.
Edited on 12/3/2004 4:53 PM
$50 sounds great for an entry fee...when can we start signing up?
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
That would be really fun to do. Alas, Im poor. lol. I would come out there if I could. I really wish I could meet more people from here, just cant afford it.
"How small is too small?"
"Well, if you can masturbate with a Barbie hand, your in trouble."
If i can get off work i might try it cause plastics all i can use in league anyway so i ought to be ok
I'm glad to hear that your running this tournament again. My dad and I had a blast bowling this last year. Count me in for whenever you decide to have it this year. Can't wait to bowl with everybody again.
One of the best tournaments in years. As a matter of fact, I never heard a single bowler complain about the shot. Let's face it, the plastic really leveled the playing field.
Off the top of my head, we had 18 ball review members attend the last one. I believe 6 made the top 8 and the tournament was won by one of our newer members, Wally from northern Michigan.
While I'm looking forward to the next one, it might be just a little more difficult to make it up from Florida. Don't count me out though, may be able to catch a ride down with shotmaker.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
Thanks for all of the kind words SrKegler. None of it would've gone as smoothly without your help. For those who don't know, SrKegler was the man responsible for getting Lane 1 to donate a ball and some hats to last year's tourney. Those donations, and those given by VBP, really raised a lot of money which is what allowed us to raise the prize fund. Anyhow, I really hope that you can make it this time around. It won't be the same without you. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )
You can pencil me in just message back about the final date and when you need a check.
Also, the one thing I was disappointed in was that no one ran any brackets last year
. It would be interesting to see what would win some of those since, if I remember right, only one person was plus after qualifying. Brutal is all I have to say. Fun
, but brutal!
The Pba Tour is the only sanctioning body that does not allow plugged equipment. As long as the static weights are legal you should be fine.
Can I ask a strange question - would this tournament allow someone to bowl with a rubber bowling ball, or is it purely plastic balls? Just curious really, as I understand that the reason behind it is to remove urethane and reactive/particle from the tournament, so would rubber bowling balls be acceptable?
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.
Hey everyone,
OK, here's the latest: I talked with Lance last night and it looks like the dates that originally gave you (Feb 20 or 27th) are not going to work after all. Lance is committed to a PBA event one of those Sunday's and the other falls in line with the local association tourney. So, as it stands now, we're looking more like one of the first Sunday's in March. Again, let me know how this effects you guys and we'll work towards a final date. As for the plugged equipment, as long as it is still weighing out legal, it is fine. Rubber is a no-go. I realize that there is nothing dynamic about rubber balls, but, for the sake of continuity, we're going to stick with plastic and nothing else. As for the brackets that Twister mentioned, I know that some people really wanted them so I'm going to do my best to make that happen this time around. I'm looking into that matter as we speak. Let me know if you have any more questions. I will work with Lance immediately to get a new date chosen so that you guys and gals can start marking it down and reserving your spots. Until then, feel free to ask any other questions that you might have or to make any suggestions. I'll be in touch with all of you shortly.
Gene J. Kanak
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )