Does that 'entire field' include the Classified Division which is composed of mainly lower average bowlers? Even in the Regular Division there are many seniors bowling to collect their 35/40/45/50 year participation awards so they are probably not averaging as high as they used to.
Dear MI 2 AZ:
Yes, it does include Classified Division bowlers ... BUT IMPORTANTLY, keep in mind that roughly 80 PERCENT of the bowlers are in the Regular Division, meaning that they carry entering averages of 181 or better ... and needless to say, many of them carry averages of 200 or far higher.
Following is a breakdown of the 2013 tournament scoring, by both event and division. You will note that EVEN IN THE REGULAR DIVISION (181+ averages), the composite average is just a fraction higher than 173.
* REGULAR TEAM ... 173.6 (120,335 games)
* REGULAR DOUBLES/SINGLES ... 173.8 (233,203 games)
* CLASSIFIED TEAM ... 152.1 (34,054 games)
* CLASSIFIED DOUBLES/SINGLES ... 149.3 (73,765 games)
* TEAM (both divisions combined) ... 168.9
* DOUBLES/SINGLES (both divisions combined) ... 168.0
* OVERALL (all divisions, all events) ... 168.3 (461,357 games)
That demonstrates that, whereas there are quite a few high scores, only a very few -- outside of the best players and shotmakers -- score at a high level.