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Author Topic: Old Timers  (Read 2535 times)


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Old Timers
« on: December 25, 2003, 04:45:44 AM »
I am 15, and I am like, truly, totally in love with bowling. I have 4 balls, and my uncle, and grandfather always hassle me about it. They dont understand the dynamics of the game "these days". The are always saying "OOOOH I HAD A 200 AVERAGE WITH A SEMI-FINGERTIP HARD RUBBER BALL!". What can I do to make them understand?! lol or is there just no hope? They just dont understand that there ar reactive balls, and plastic, and particle, so on and so forth. They think its still hard rubber balls and things of that nature. My uncle said "OH I have a big hook" I said "Oh? What line do you play?" he said "I shoot from the far left dot into the pocket!"(he's a wrong sider) I said "Thats a big hook?" he goes "YEA!" so I told him about my friend who shoots the same line but hes a right, he shoots all the way out to the gutter, and back to the pocket and he goes "oh well its a big hook for me" lol!
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!



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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2003, 08:07:05 PM »
This may sound cocky or arrogant, but challenge these people to a set on the lanes.  I had to do it with my dad.  He always knew I was into bowling growing up, but never saw me play.  He teased me about having 6 balls and using them on different patterns.  I said that if he was ever in the area he could bring his old LT-48 and burgundy Hammer so we could play.  After I smoked him a series, he backed off and respected me as a player, not some kid trying to impress everyone else.  I also had to show him my league standing sheet to prove to him that I averaged over 210, which was high back then.  Now I'm sitting on a 220+.


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2003, 08:09:44 PM »
Yea, I had to prove it to my dad, I smoked him. Now I have to prove it to my uncle and grand father, they will probably SMASH me though. My grand father bowled for damn near 40 years
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2003, 08:22:18 PM »
Good luck kid!  Take it to 'em.


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2003, 08:44:45 PM »
LOL, trust me, I know, I would get thrashed
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2003, 08:49:14 PM »
Bones, that's what I'm on now.  Put me on synthetics and I drop 5 pins off my average.


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2003, 09:12:54 PM »

As with all things, relativity plays a big part in our perceptions.
Take advantage of your differenes between you and what you know and them and whatthey know about bowling. You know you are not going to convince old people (like me and Bones and your uncle & grandfather) with words when they think you don't have enough experience. That's life.

Ask them to go practice one day, when you know the lanes have fresh oil and show them the difference in hook between their ball and yours. Now, don't "spit in their face". You've already shown you realize they have something to offer you; and allow them to see (again, don't shove it in their face; that's insulting) how your ball hooks and hits. Let them see for themselves what the lanes are like these days.

It is easy to get stuck in our ways and our attitudes; sometimes we need to get jolted out of them. Sometimes, we just need to see the light bulb go on over our heads.

Good luck.

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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2003, 09:18:10 PM »
My grandfather I wouldnt rub it in, but my uncle, I would have to, me and him always are bustin on each other lol. I would have to just be like "OH..MY..GOSH!! WAIT..WHO WON AGAIN?" lol, but he is kool
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2003, 09:36:08 PM »
Tell them the lane conditions have changed...while I'm not an oldtimer, I'm only 33, I got started with a hard rubber ball, had it breaking 15-20 boards as needed, and carried a solid 180 average with it.  However, as balls got better, they started putting more oil down on the lanes, and the ball became nothing but a straight ball due to the changing conditions.  I'm sure you've had the experience of getting those plastic balls (house balls) to hook.  Unless you go max revs with limited speed, you are totally SOL on the current standard shot.  

If the lanes are right, 2nd shift in a hot house, I can pull out a plastic and still shoot 220's with it, but I rarely see the lanes dry enough to go that route.


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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2003, 10:36:46 PM »
I've got a deadly combination.  My dad is 68 years old and has had 4 300's and an 800 this year.  He was also laid up for 3 months with a mild stroke.  That age and understands the dynamics of the new game, he gets tougher as he gets older.  He carries a bag we call the condo and is a student of the game.  If it's new and different he'll punch it up and at least try it.  Somedays he beats me senseless more often than not.

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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2003, 09:06:29 AM »
Bowling Kid--When you get to adult leagues in a few years with some of your young strappers <ie. stand left throw right hook the lane friends>

This is a typical scenario many see from younger teams coming into a 5 man handicapped league.  You undoubtedly some day will go up against some old geezers that are more down and in old school players. The kind of guys that your Dad and uncle are.  You and your friends will roll thundering strikes stringing some of them and then missing easy single pin spares.  The older geezers will get more handicap but make all those easy single pin spares.  You get your butts kicked by those old f*rts because they understand the nuances of the game. You will learn from them if you take the time to understand where they are coming from as they should ALSO understand where you are coming from.  



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Re: Old Timers
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2003, 12:28:44 PM »
The easiest thing to do is explain that the game is different and invite them to come down and watch a tournament.  My pop and I were always competing while I grew up.  He shot an 853 in the 1960's and was a PBA member in the 70's and 80's.  Back then, he'd put the smack down on me any time we'd lace up. Unfortunately, he can no longer bowl due to serious medical problems.

Today, the game is different.  However, there is no doubt in my mind that my dad could adjust to and score on today's conditions.  If you're truly knowledgable about the game today, you can explain what things are like today.  If your dad and uncle are truly knowledgable about the game and all its intricacies, they'll grasp what you're saying and understand that the game today is not what it was.

With my dad's help, I've become the good bowler I am today.  He still has things he can teach me and I'm always surprised by his depth of knowledge.  With my help, he understands the game today and can continue to offer great tips and advice.  There are probably things your dad and uncle could help you with, even with the difference in the game today if you take the time to help them help you.
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