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Author Topic: Old Track Rule  (Read 728 times)


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Old Track Rule
« on: January 15, 2017, 09:10:59 AM »
I just got back into bowling after about 5 years away. Wow! A lot has changed, or so it seems. Anyways I was throwing my trusty Track Rule that probably has thousands of games on it and unfortunately, it cracked both above and below the finger holes. I want to ask what ball is similar, as I like how this ball gets down and reads the lane nicely. It seems to be must smoother than my other two balls and not as whippie.

Here's what I have, all 14 lb.
Track Rule
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Nomad
Hammer Black Urethane.

Any advice would be extremely helpful and much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
