As long as I have the money, I'll try anything once.
I tend to change companies in spurts. For about 5 years, I was primarily an AMF customer. Then for nearly 12 years, a Storm customer. For the last 2 years, a Lane #1 customer (and, by the way, I've never had the "costs too much" problem with them -- I drill for myself and can find them at the same price as others on eBay).
What I try to do, and always have done, is use my primary company as a baseline and then add other companies into the arsenal as a changeup. Lane #1 stuff (particularly from the Brunswick era) likes to roll. So maybe I take three Lane #1 balls with me and then two other balls, Storm for instance, to give me an angular look.
By the way, 900Global now pours Lane #1, so if you like 900G and can find a L1 ball cheap, you might give it a shot.