Hi everyone,
Thought I would throw this general question out there.
Have any of you encountered coverstock death or early ball death?
I ask this of you because I'm curious to know if any of you have had a ball that for some reason just totally died on you.
I could understand if the ball had like over 1000 games (I have a friend with a Danger Zone that still kicks butt and probably does have a 1000 games on it hehe), but I have read reviews and heard stories like such as...
I've had my ball for "X-amount of games," and I've cleaned it and tried everything. It just doeesn't react like it did from day one and I've had it for only 3 months! Cleaned it, baked it, re-surfaced it, Rejuvenated it, etc. etc., I can't bring it back to life. (This is a re-creation hehe)
Granted, every ball has a life span. I have been bowling for 15 years and I don't think I've had a ball really die on me, but I did have a Proactive Teal Zone that I loved and had like 300+ games on it. That one finally died and I couldn't bring it back to normal.
Anyways, have you owned any equipment that just didn't drive like it used to coverstock wise or just in general? If so, I'd love to know what brand/ball/type of coverstock.
Should be an interesting read.
Thanks for your input!
S.F. Bay Area, California