There has been a thread about having what it takes to meet this type of challenge. That is all well and good ( and I LIKE the idea), but it really isn't feasable in todays real world.
My case is this. When plastic and urethane ( and even rubber) were the materials balls were made of, and the weightblocks were not dynamically designed to enhance performance, the volume of oil had a MUCH greater effect on how the ball rolled.
With todays oils, it is VERY easy to take a plastic, rubber, and even urethane out of play by increasing the oil volume to the point that they become ineffective. A single ball could be at the mercy of the lane man, or even stopped inadvertently by the malfunction of a high-tech oiling machine ( as has happened here several times)
I also tried to get a "plastic" league going here several summers in a row, and basically got laughed out of the center.
I agree with the notion that bowling should be about skill, ability to adjust to conditions, and ability to repeat shots, it is just that with todays requirements it is WAY too easy to take an "old school" ball completely out of play.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!