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Author Topic: One heck of a Storm...  (Read 5149 times)


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One heck of a Storm...
« on: February 10, 2009, 06:25:44 AM »
So does anything besides Storm work on tour. They only ball from another company thrown on TV this weekend was Fagan's Ebonite Bash spare ball. Makes me wonder why I don't have any Storm equipment. I don't throw on the same "demanding" conditions they do, but wow that has got to say something for Storm. Maybe they just recruit the best players, I don't know, maybe some of you do.
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Justin Kluska
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2009, 08:10:54 PM »

Pete Weber left a 8 pin one year for 299 if I remember right something like that. I have a issue with Storm because I have been belittled and ripped and disrespected by Staffers for daring to say that MoRich is just as good Storm. stuff like that make me not want to use Storm.

EVERY comapany makes good equipment...not everyone matches up with EVERY company.  There were some companies i had to work at harder with surface changes or different layouts to get to look good in a video...some just matched up right out of the box.

In my opinion, what makes a good ball great is its ability to match up with a wide variety of styles.  Your Cells, Gamebreakers, black widows, hy-roads all are great all around balls that i have seen work for just about every style.

I get a kick out of these forums when something happens like what happend to mainzer, someone says oh company x sucks how dare you say they are even close to my favorite company y...odds are those people have never even thrown the ball in question yet they insist on bashing it...but thats the beauty of our world, everyone is entitled to their opinon
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Edited on 2/10/2009 9:13 PM


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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 08:56:23 PM »
Britton is Correct it comes down to the bowler in the end what that bowler likes to see and how that bowler likes to play the lane. I have nothing against Storm, I just match better with Mo, I have alot of other companies equipment in my bag also a Gladiator Pearl, AZO Pure Tactics (from the Storm Plant no less,) C300 Primal Rage, and Hole Finder Pearl I find myself go back to Mo more often than not. Ebonite I have never even found a ball that worked for me I have watched alot of guys use their stuff with little or no sucess so I stay away.

Six Pack I would have liked to have seen that thing with P.A. talking about MoRich, I wonder if Wes Mallot is limited in ball reaction because he uses Roto Grip.Roto Grip and MO make about the same number of bowling balls. Not trying to be mean or attack just pointing out a fact.

I am sorry if my comments here or above have upset anyone. Sometimes I feel stepped on or thought less due to the fact that I prefer different equipment that the majority of bowlers... Make sense?
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2009, 09:14:29 PM »
I went and looked at the "What were they using" on Buddies,and the first seven weeks there was VERY LITTLE Storm being used in the TV finals.
 Week eight was the start of the run of Storm products taking most of the TV show finals.
 Justink,check your sources before making an all encompassing statement like this one.And the season isn't over yet.
 The all plastic tournament coming up will be interesting to watch.Thing is,the pros will be allowed to use resin equipment in qualifying and match play. Plastic is in the TV finals only.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 09:22:25 PM »
I went and looked at the "What were they using" on Buddies,and the first seven weeks there was VERY LITTLE Storm being used in the TV finals.
 Week eight was the start of the run of Storm products taking most of the TV show finals.
 Justink,check your sources before making an all encompassing statement like this one.And the season isn't over yet.
 The all plastic tournament coming up will be interesting to watch.Thing is,the pros will be allowed to use resin equipment in qualifying and match play. Plastic is in the TV finals only.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........

Actually its just the TQR that bowlers can use whatever, once the actual tournament begins its all plastic given to them from the PBA that cannot leave the center.
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 09:23:23 PM »
Less oil, that is kind of funny considering they added a foot to each pattern this year other than the shark. I'm a ball whore, but I give storm their props they are just on a roll.
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six pack

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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 09:42:45 PM »

Six Pack I would have liked to have seen that thing with P.A. talking about MoRich, I wonder if Wes Mallot is limited in ball reaction because he uses Roto Grip.Roto Grip and MO make about the same number of bowling balls. Not trying to be mean or attack just pointing out a fact.

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I never said that and in fact I beleive WRW uses MoRich because it compliments his style.BTW,I like my MO stuff and have done very well with the flip and LevRg but I also like many other different companies.I wish Storm would remake the T-Flash,I would be rushing out to get one!
I do remember P.A. useing a Vibe not that long ago,Remember?
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 09:50:33 PM »
Give me MoRich any day against Storm. MoRich Hits Harder, carrys better, reads the lane easier IMO, but Strom over Ebonite or any of their Garbage.

Just had to say it.

If you like throwing balls made in mexico then go for morich.  Although I do agree that i could go through every company and find something I like.  I just prefer Storm because out of every company i have ever thrown, my style matches up better with more storm equipment than anything else.....annddddddd it's not made in mexico
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2009, 10:09:27 PM »

If you like throwing balls made in mexico then go for morich.  Although I do agree that i could go through every company and find something I like.  I just prefer Storm because out of every company i have ever thrown, my style matches up better with more storm equipment than anything else.....annddddddd it's not made in mexico

Just like how your TV or computer that you're using, and bought, were made overseas.
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2009, 10:13:12 PM »
You guys are silly.
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2009, 10:41:22 PM »
Never seen such moronic musing over something so silly in all my life!


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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2009, 11:00:05 PM »
just trying to be neutral on such issues...especially when i am a storm fan too

though storm has been winning on tour this year a lot more as compared to others,there is not doubt that there are players who are good who are using other equipment as well.

its just plain senseless brand bashing if you are just basing the performance of a particular brand of equipment on tour.

do not forget 80% of the bowlers here are not bowling on tour,we do not know how the rest of the 80% of bowlers are faring with other brands.

do not forget one of the most important thing in bowling is equipment matching up.and i can say it kinda difficult to be able to match up 100% all the time.

lets just stay neutral on this issue shall we?
my current arsenal....
secret agent
power agent (int'l)
attitude shift
gravity shift
tropical storm
jolt solid
storm spare x 2
thunderstruck pearl
street rod solid
street rod pearl
perfect dimension (int'l)
rapid fire pearl
fired up II
phase (int'l)
hot shot



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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2009, 11:12:27 PM »
It has to do with the low, low volume of oil they used this week, and have been using all year out there on tour.

Storm creates less friction on the lane with milder coverstocks than the other major brands, so the ball is less likely to get jumpy and will 'glide' into the pocket a little easier.

If they'd put out a little more oil on tour, other companies would be out there winning.
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Unfortunately it isn't true. The volumes weren't lowered until after Reno, and Storm Roto has been tearing it up all year.

It is just an excuse for the non Roto Grip non Storm folks.
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I'm not sure whether it's completely true or not. This is coming out of the mouths of many of the touring, exempt players out there currently (Including some who are currently throwing Storm and Roto), not just my personal opinion. My opinion is only reflected from the Dick Weber, where there was certainly a VERY low volume of oil out there.

I'm not sure why you say it's an "excuse". I need no "excuse" for anything...because I have nothing to excuse myself from...It doesn't matter to me one way or the other which ball is better: I'll throw what works. Personally, Storm/Roto haven't given me as good a look as Ebonite, but that's beside the point.


Storm creates less friction on the lane with milder coverstocks than the other major brands, so the ball is less likely to get jumpy and will 'glide' into the pocket a little easier.

If they'd put out a little more oil on tour, other companies would be out there winning.

Is this a serious statement? I mean i have thrown just about every ball on the market in the past year or 2 and the storm stuff creates just as much friction as any other brand...

Why can't a company just be having a good run?? The Hy-Road is one of the most versatile balls i have ever thrown...maybe if it had a hammer on the side of it, it would get a little more respect, cause i guarantee if hammer/ebonite was having a good run it wouldn't be because of the laneman, it would be because the balls are just that good...

I'm not blaming the laneman for anything. As stated above, this is just my opinion, from my point of view, and my experience, coupled with what I have heard from multiple exempt pros.

I'm not trying to step on anyones toes or be attacked for my opinion. I'm offering what I see.

Let me rephrase. They may/may not create as much friction, but they do NOT have as violent of a friction motion off the dry spot. The balls 'glide' easier, as I previously stated.

I'm not here to argue or storm-bash, because I have no stock in what company sells more or does better on tour.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2009, 08:00:37 AM »
I'm sure that my reply will be seen as some sort of bias but I'll try to enter some facts to make this reply as objective as possible.  

It has to do with the low, low volume of oil they used this week, and have been using all year out there on tour.

Storm creates less friction on the lane with milder coverstocks than the other major brands, so the ball is less likely to get jumpy and will 'glide' into the pocket a little easier.

Let's just say this is true.  The balls that are mainly being thrown week in and week out (at least on TV) are the midrange balls with coverstocks 2 years old (R2S).  Most seem to be throwing one of the T-Road series.  Earlier in the year there seemed to be more volume and you saw a few Virtuals.  So it's not like the biggest Storm/Roto pieces with the most agressive covers are being thrown.


If they'd put out a little more oil on tour, other companies would be out there winning.

Did we all forget the success the Cell had when it was first released?  Several shows were made by free agents including Delutz, Scroggins and Wiseman.  This was last PBA season when the volume of oil was supposedly higher. If the volume was increased, guys would be migrating to Cells, Virtuals and Dimensions.  Those balls can cover any oil thrown at them.
Anthony Chapman

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Jesse James

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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2009, 08:26:54 AM »
Let us also not forget one of Storm's claims to fame.....that it is a "bowler's company".

I have found that they seem to cater to the real needs of the serious bowler. They make "niche" balls, that you may not see on the THS, but they will definitely make a big showing in tournaments!

I am one person who does not normally throw any Storm  equipment, yet, somehow I just naturally migrated towards RotoGrip and fell in love with the equipment!

I was completely oblivious to the fact that the two companies are related!
Silly me! I used to knock Storm on the one hand, and throw Roto on the other!
Just plain dumb!

But I think what some of the previous posters said about balls gliding, and being softer off the spot, is a true analysis of what their equipment does, and why it is so effective!
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Re: One heck of a Storm...
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2009, 11:23:47 AM »
while i agree that storm equipment tends to be more length with backend, they also make very good stuff for heavy oil conditions. anyone who says otherwise has never thrown a virtual gravity! that ball is a beast, and unlike other companies oilers, it doesn't quit when it hits friction on the backend.
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