Britton is Correct it comes down to the bowler in the end what that bowler likes to see and how that bowler likes to play the lane. I have nothing against Storm, I just match better with Mo, I have alot of other companies equipment in my bag also a Gladiator Pearl, AZO Pure Tactics (from the Storm Plant no less,) C300 Primal Rage, and Hole Finder Pearl I find myself go back to Mo more often than not. Ebonite I have never even found a ball that worked for me I have watched alot of guys use their stuff with little or no sucess so I stay away.
Six Pack I would have liked to have seen that thing with P.A. talking about MoRich, I wonder if Wes Mallot is limited in ball reaction because he uses Roto Grip.Roto Grip and MO make about the same number of bowling balls. Not trying to be mean or attack just pointing out a fact.
I am sorry if my comments here or above have upset anyone. Sometimes I feel stepped on or thought less due to the fact that I prefer different equipment that the majority of bowlers... Make sense?
''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''
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