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Author Topic: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees  (Read 3607 times)

The Hose

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One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« on: April 13, 2004, 08:02:12 AM »
What's up with these people?  
Say you pay 9 dollars linage for league and you bowl 3 leagues in that house.  That is 972.00 a season that you pay to the bowl.  Now add up all of the beer and food you eat there and you're talking a pretty good chunk of change.

These guys sit behind the counter, watch TV, or act like you are really putting them out if you ask for a pair to practice on.

Most of them dress like bums and wear ballcaps backwards.  They don't go out of their way to help open bowlers who don't know how to use the scoring system and watch them, knowing that the poor people don't know what to do.  Only after someone asked are they willing to show them.  They don't greet people with a smile and they sure don't make you feel welcomed.

Some of them don't even show up to work when they are scheduled and therefore, the lanes don't get run.  No bid deal to them nor does the owner seem to care.

I'm in the travel business and I can assure you that if I asked that way to my clients, I wouldn't be in business very long.  

I would like to manage that center for one month.  I'd make every employee wear a nice shirt with the name of the center on it, No caps allowed.  No sitting on their rear watching TV.  They would be required to great each person who walks in the door and ask if they can help in any way.  If time permits, they would be required to show the people how to enter they're names and a offer a little help if they need it.  They would not be allowed to eat at the front desk or allow anyone behind the counter.  No girlfriends hanging around and limited time for personal calls.  Business first!

Our snack bar used to serve the best burgers in town and many people who didn't bowl would come have lunch at the center because the staff was friendly, clean, and had a nice attitude.  Now you have old ladies who will wipe their noses, handle dirty money and touch everything of yours with their nasty hands.

Is this just my center or does your funtion in the same way?

Maybe it's because we only have one center in town and there isn't any compition, but I'm sick and tired of it.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose



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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2004, 11:52:52 AM »
wow can I just say that was actually an awesome assement of what the bowling center can be at times.  The pay isnt great but I honestly stay b/c I love the job.  For me its not about pay its about helping young bowlers.  I am 22 I havent had a pay raise in almost four years.  I do the job of the manager, mechanic, snack bar person, and even front desk. I even have gotten into doing the pro shop.  I love my job in the center however, its like bowlingbabe said some people come in with this assumption that people who work in the bowling alley are nothing more then a certain brand of people.  You got to understand you can make six figures a year and get nothing out of your job.  But work in the bowling center and help a kid and when he comes to tell you how he bowled every week and leave with a smile on his or her face it makes all those people go away.  Or helping a junior bowler who is trying to get into college work with him over the few months free of charge and see him make a collegiate team.  THATS WHERE THE REAL REWARDS COME FROM.


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2004, 11:53:13 AM »
Bowling Babe....beautiful.


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2004, 01:26:06 PM »
Yeah, I've worked bowling alleys too, and it's not always easy.  BUT, I think Hose is merely noticing the norm in our culture these days.  It's not just the bowling alley employees who can be worthless.  Ever try to get help locating an item at Wal Mart?  Try getting a drink refilled at your local restaurant, or better yet, try to get through the ONE open checkout line at the grocery store in less than an hour.  The gas station story was another good example.  The only thing about our society today that says "service" is a sign in some corporate headquarters - it obviously isn't practiced in the field very often.


* Clever signature quote removed so I can be Politically Correct and not offend those who were unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of humor.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2004, 01:59:39 PM »
Mmmhmm *rant mode intiated*

HAbalahahamuahahahagahhhhhhhh! %*^% ^(^&* ~#*^%!

I hate all but one of the staff at my local alley. The manager changes every 3 weeks, they are all crap and all know f*** all about bowling at all. I had to tell our current manager what the oil is for and that it is needed. How frightningly pathetic is that? All of them have been profit orientated, they do not care about actually oiling the lane, nor cleaning up vomit behind the lanes and the crap clogged toilets or not telling us there are wet patches where they have mopped up beer. They sometimes do not even oil the lanes because that would cost money. There are no proper patterns used and the lanes are always inconsistent because all but one of the mechanics don't know that your supposed to Sweep>Strip>Buffer>Oil. So when they oil the lanes apart from when the one good guy Chris does it properly thay are all different with wierd patches. It's down right silly. They cover the holes in the plaster with posters and can't be bothered to spend some of their RIDICULOUS profit on repairing it. We prey that Chris has done the lanes that morning knowing that if he hasn't the rest of our days are gonna suck (although we did get him promoted to head mechanic). The manager makes mountains out of molehills with slight disagreements and it's extremely annoying. We are charged $7 a game and no discounts for being in leagues (in my case 2).
All of the other employees are also completely useless and incompetent, all blondes, all clueless, all know nothing about bowling (e.g. I told one there was a sweep down on lane 4 so a min or so later she comes over to lane 4 and asks for the broom back, there are countless other ocassions). They do not respond and take days to do anything, they can't even use the tanoy let a lone put the bumpers down. It's insulting. They get paid to stand there, take bookings, have a laugh with each other and talk about sex and their boyfriends. No thank you.
There is one competent and knowing employee in the whole centre. Great.

God Bless Hollywood Bowl UK. Retards...
Ohhh Crap! You Are Supposed To Hit The Pins?!
Storm - So Good It Hurts

Edited on 4/14/2004 1:53 PM


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2004, 02:11:48 PM »
Hey BowlingBabe!  I suppose we tend to focus more on the negative - as there ARE exceptions and some people actually do a GREAT job.  However, it seems we only encounter that one exceptional employee 1 out of 10 times, and even then, sometimes the good employee has a bad/busy day.  We forget too that customers can be just as worthless too!


* Clever signature quote removed so I can be Politically Correct and not offend those who were unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of humor.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)

The Hose

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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2004, 02:42:34 PM »
Bowling Babe,  I like your attitude
How about you moving to Oklahoma and being my CPL.
I'll get you a job at the bowl and you can show them how to do your job with a little respect and pride.
Great job Babe
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose

The Hose

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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2004, 03:18:20 PM »
Bowling Babe,  you may be in luck.  I live 30 miles from a beautiful lake, and we have clear rivers to float and fish.  I'm a travel agent so I get to go to places like Cancun and Cozumel every month or two.

I bowl almost every weekend and bowl in Dallas about once a month.

We may be a prefect match.....if you're really Hot
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2004, 03:21:59 PM »
Hey Bowling Babe,

Maybe you got me wrong.  There were two groups of workers at the bowling center that Dicnic and I were referring too!  The just hired and thinking about their dates for the night.

And the old salts, who run it great, love it, and I respect and have a world of affection for.  Some of them make good money(decent) and do it because they are very good with people, fair, firm and caring.

I'm sorry if you thought I was lumping ALL bowling center employees together, I was not!  

You know the difference and so do I.  Do I think it's easy to work at a bowling center, no way!  I'd be ready to go over the counter within a couple of days and either someone would regret it or I would!

Could I work in retail.  Sure!(just not a bowling center).  Would I probably run the place in just a few years!  Probably!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2004, 03:24:06 PM »
Hose,...are you still taking that prescription medicine,..did they ever find out what that was..??

Not done

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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2004, 03:27:12 PM »
What's up with these people?  
Say you pay 9 dollars linage for league and you bowl 3 leagues in that house.  That is 972.00 a season that you pay to the bowl.  Now add up all of the beer and food you eat there and you're talking a pretty good chunk of change.

These guys sit behind the counter, watch TV, or act like you are really putting them out if you ask for a pair to practice on.

Most of them dress like bums and wear ballcaps backwards.  They don't go out of their way to help open bowlers who don't know how to use the scoring system and watch them, knowing that the poor people don't know what to do.  Only after someone asked are they willing to show them.  They don't greet people with a smile and they sure don't make you feel welcomed.

Some of them don't even show up to work when they are scheduled and therefore, the lanes don't get run.  No bid deal to them nor does the owner seem to care.

I'm in the travel business and I can assure you that if I asked that way to my clients, I wouldn't be in business very long.  

I would like to manage that center for one month.  I'd make every employee wear a nice shirt with the name of the center on it, No caps allowed.  No sitting on their rear watching TV.  They would be required to great each person who walks in the door and ask if they can help in any way.  If time permits, they would be required to show the people how to enter they're names and a offer a little help if they need it.  They would not be allowed to eat at the front desk or allow anyone behind the counter.  No girlfriends hanging around and limited time for personal calls.  Business first!

Our snack bar used to serve the best burgers in town and many people who didn't bowl would come have lunch at the center because the staff was friendly, clean, and had a nice attitude.  Now you have old ladies who will wipe their noses, handle dirty money and touch everything of yours with their nasty hands.

Is this just my center or does your funtion in the same way?

Maybe it's because we only have one center in town and there isn't any compition, but I'm sick and tired of it.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose

I believe that is your house, not mine simply because every employee at my house (Marcin Bowl, Sarnia Ontario) are all very nice and helpful.... they can even bowl very well!

The only problem with the service is would have to be the pin setters getting stuck when a pin has slid out of range... its takes a while to get the lane back up and running.

But over all, all the people in my house are very nice and friendly.
Easy slider...

The Hose

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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2004, 03:55:50 PM »
Hose,...are you still taking that prescription medicine,..did they ever find out what that was..??

he he he, No, they thought I had something called Fluffitius. But It only happens when you reach the age of 50 and start bowling in SASBA events.

I'm too young and pretty for that
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose

Edited on 4/14/2004 3:50 PM


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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2004, 06:22:27 PM »
Wow what a topic. Bowlingbabe hit it dead on center. So many things to do at times in the center then there are times that you want something to do. Today's society is that kids are learning that if they don't like working for you they will go down the street and work elsewhere. When I was at McDonald's as a manager there we had similar problems as when I was the manager of a bowling center. People who loved to work and people who just wanted an easy buck. As far as the training goes the employee can recieve the best training in the world. But can they do the job?? So sometimes it is not the managers fault. Yes at times it is. If you are looking to become rich at a job it is not in the bowling industry especially working at the centers. I could go on for a long time on this subject but I will stop at this.
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Re: One more Rant: Bowling Center employees
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2004, 10:43:36 PM »
Hey StormStriker,

I happen to work for the company that you are referring to, I’m the manager at one of the Bowls (not yours!)

If you are serious about your bowling, which I’m sure you are, then our company is not for you!!  All the people at the head office care about are profit profit profit; my centre makes over £1.8million a year (US$ 3.22million), yet here we have a poor girl who works in the Bar, and she hasn’t had a pay rise in 2 years!  I, as the manager, can do nothing.  We just ain’t given any money to spend on staff.  The good staff that we have, we work them way too hard…….  The other night (typical night!), we had 7 people working at the bowl, and we must had over 500 people at the centre, that’s 1:70 staff to customer ratio.  How are we supposed to provide good service???

The ‘blondes’ you mentioned, well blame the general U.K. society, blame MTV!!!  All these kids want to do is to become famous, Pop Idol wannabes, …… Watch too much Jerry Springer and Big Brother!!  Work Ethic??? They don’t understand such term.  

I guess if you pay peanuts you get monkeys!  

Also, our company tries to cut cost everywhere, for example, we put 10-13 ml of oil on each lane, a few weeks ago I went to Airport Bowl for the Nationals, I noticed that they put down 22-26 ml on each lane.  Luckily, I used to work as a Lane mechanic, so (if I’m not too tired, and if I can be bothered) I can dress the Lanes to my liking when I practice.
Anyway the only reason that I’m working here, is that I love bowling, also this is my first proper job, and in order to have a good career, I need experience.

But hey StormStriker, I hear you, we ain’t the best company for serious bowlers.  All my company cares about is open play, ( we charge them £4.20 a game for crying out loud! That’s US$7.52!!! )

Just out of interest, let me know which Bowl you go to!!!  And BTW, at our centre we offer cheaper rate to league bowlers, £2 for the first two games, then £1.50 after that.  And if they are nice people, sometimes we just charge them 50p a game (US$0.90) or even free!!!  

P.S.   Sdbowler, Sawbones and Cbjdc, Great post!!
         The Hose, Great rant!!
          Bullred and BowlingBabe, top bloke and top gal!!  I feel your pain too!

Would love to go to U.S. one day, and bowl.  Guess I’m the Big Lebowski!!!
Homer Simpson is a better bowler than me!
Certified ball collector.