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Author Topic: Online vendor advocates cheating!!  (Read 2538 times)


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Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« on: November 04, 2004, 10:10:34 PM »
At least in my mind.  I received the following in an e-mail from a vendor under the heading "Strategic Bowling".  I call it cheating!!  It's a technique we all know about, but I would never knowingly do it with the expressed intent of destroying my opponents shot.  If you can't beat someone fairly (and right now I can't beat anyone!!), just suck it up and congratulate them on a job well done!!  

Important to note that the vendor isn't one of sponsor's nor is it a ball manufacturer...

Strategic Bowling

Have you ever been completely lost while your opponent is lined up? A form of defense does exist in bowling. This defense is starting to become more widely used on the pro tour. This is how it works. First you have to watch your opponent line up during practice. As long as you are not going to play the same area on the lane, take a heavily sanded ball with a low track flare and throw it right down where your opponent will be playing. What this does is it basically annihilates your opponents shot.

This strategy can be seen in many bowling centers and even on the tour. In the Tournament of Champions Chris Barnes' opponents left the practice session a little early to sit back and watch him line up. They came back shortly after in time to completely destroyed the right side of the lane where Barnes was going to be playing. Not to mention this pair was to be nationally televised much to Barnes' despair. In the end when Barnes got up to bowl Healy he was lost and Healy eliminated him 210-192. Several pros on tour claim that they would only use this strategy to build their own shot, never to destroy an opponent's shot.

On the other side of this strategy you can use it as an offensive method, which is actually referred to as "building a shot." If the lane conditions are oily you will want to take a heavily sanded ball with low flare and point it straight down the lane about 2 boards outside of your line. For instance, if your break point is going to be the 8 board, you will throw the ball straight down the 6 and 7 boards. What this will accomplish is it will give you a bounce and create larger area on the lane for you to work with. If the lane conditions are a little light on oil what you will need to do is take a plastic ball and throw it straight down the lane 2 boards inside of your intended line. For example with heavy oil if you are intending on playing the 8 board you will need to throw your plastic ball down the 9 and 10 boards. This will create hold and give you more area of your intended line.

This strategy might be fun to try sometime or play as a team with a "team shot," but remember to enjoy yourself and play hard.



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Re: Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2004, 10:24:01 AM »
this tends to work mainly for match play but not league play

Also, what are the odds that in a normal league, anyone would be able to hit the same 2 board area enough times to make a difference during the practice time? LOL.  Anyway, if one wants to spend their time trying to mess up my shot rather than line up their own shot, more power to them... That's why I try to be versatile enough to play multiple lines all across the lane rather than be a one shot wonder.

Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!

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Re: Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2004, 11:33:52 AM »
I'm guilty of doing this to one-dimensional, down and in bowlers in competition that involves only one pair of lanes, such as leagues.  I will use a ball stronger than what I need just to move the shot in a few boards.  This hurts those that don't adjust well and usually helps me as I am better playing an inside line.  I want to get my opponent out of his comfort zone and get me into mine.  

I don't consider this unethical by me as I am merely playing by the rules that exist.  I would have no problem if these monster balls were eliminated and this technique didn't work.  

I don't think it is possible to be totally versatile, so I want to find ways to play to my strengths and my opponents weaknesses.  Since I play a better swing shot than down and in, I will try to change the shot to accomodate me.  What's wrong with that?  If I know my opponent really struggles with a swing shot, what's wrong with making him get out of this comfort zone?


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Re: Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2004, 12:09:24 PM »
Why not play to your strengths and allow your opponents to play to their's with what the lane man puts out there?  

You ask what is wrong with doing what you're doing.  My answer is this, it is possible to design a shot that favors no one style over another, but instead favors quality shot making.  Therefore, on this type of shot, the bowler that makes the most quality shots will win.  By using a low grit oil soaking ball to change the shot, you are taking away the reward for making quality shots, and give yourself room for error.  So now it is no longer about who is the best bowler, but the bowler who can hit a particular shot.

I'm guessing I will get a response something along the lines of "I'm going to give myself every advantage I can to win" and to that I say if you feel you need an advantage, then either practice more or get a coach.  

Just because something falls within the limits of the rules, does not make it ethical.
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Re: Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2004, 03:21:25 PM »
I agree that on a fair shot that favors no particular style, I will put up shotmaking skills and take what I get.  If I lose, then so be it.  This is the best way to bowl.  1 team against the other on the same lanes.  Whomever executes with the best game plan wins.  Love it.

However, around here on our THS, I don't see this.  When I come across a shot that gives a ton of room to a down and in player, then I will try to take that away from him.  If I can find a way to limit the boomers, then I will do that as well.  

I get stuck in "tweener he!!" some times, so I need to change the shot to avoid the over-under.  I am working on getting around this over-under, but I don't have any quick-acting solutions yet.  Too strong in the dirt and too weak in the puddle.  That's why I'll try an oil soaker in the puddle.  However, this breaks down bad for the down and in player.

Why don't we ask flinger who uses a oil soaker that moves the oil all over the place to learn to be more accurate?  He is intentionally screwing up the shot because he doesn't practice more and get a coach.

Hmmm.....seems if we get rid of these oil soakers, then part of our problem goes away.


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Re: Online vendor advocates cheating!!
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2004, 03:36:43 PM »
I'm all for limiting ball tech and more stringent rules on lane conditioning.  However, the technology of the bowling world evolved so fast that the rules couldn't keep up.  And now if we, the USBC that is, were to limit it, there would be so many cry babies out there that I'm guessing it would kill sanctioned membership.
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