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Author Topic: Open bowling before league  (Read 5810 times)


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Open bowling before league
« on: June 18, 2008, 11:10:22 PM »
I have a question that I'd like to get some feedback on:

Our summer league is bowling on Sport patterns to help challenge us bowlers. What I have been told is that during the league meeting (which I missed because I was at the USBC Open) they discussed open bowling before league on the sport patterns. Ideally the answer would be there should be none (this is another arguement), but they decided sort of off the cuff that people should ONLY bowl on their starting pair. To me this is exactly opposite of what any league has ever done. The idea is that they don't want to screw up the shot on someone else's pair. My feeling is that this is giving one team an unfair advantage. One or more of one team has bowled on the pair, manipulated the shot, and understand how the breakdown has started. If you bowl on another pair, yes you may screw up their shot, but both teams bowling on that pair are starting at the same spot, both having no prior knowledge of that pair. I am wrong in my thinking or is my league just as crazy as I think it is?




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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2008, 12:24:57 PM »
In most houses where I've bowled, the pair directly next to a league is left open during league play to avoid having open play bowlers butting up against the league.  I think a good option would be to put the shot down on that "open" pair and set it to practice mode, allowing anyone from the league who wants to come in early a chance to practice on the shot of the night.  A nominal fee could be charged by the house, maybe a buck a person, to cover the oiling, lane use, equipment maintenance, etc., of having that pair of lanes in play.

Just a thought.

Do you want to


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2008, 01:17:29 PM »
For any sport shot league I've ever bowled there is always a couple of extra lances dressed with the patern.  Not only does this give you at least one "break down pair" it also allows the oil machine to settle in (we have an older wick style).
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2008, 01:54:13 PM »
We don't have an open pair. We use 1-30 and another league uses 31-44 so the entire house is filled. In the past we were not at 30 teams and we could have an open pair. That is just not an option this year.

Also I understand what you are saying Jason, but given the option of burning up a pair that two different teams are going to have to bowl on...both starting from the same level and both dealing with the aftermath equally versus bowling on a pair where one team or member(s) of a team burned them up and know exactly how they did it and how much more they are hooking when compared to fresh and the other team is coming in blind I'd take option one.

Ideally no one should bowl at all, but I don't think I can win that arguement this year. We are not a certified league and they don't want to be a certified league, but they want a chance to bowl on some tougher patterns and the house is willing to put them out, but want to do as little work as possible.



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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2008, 02:19:05 PM »
In my experience, the lanes are conditioned about 30 minutes before the league is to start.
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2008, 04:48:16 PM »
^^^^^^ The lanes are the same for both teams, fresh or burnt. Some likem fresh, some likem broke in.
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My saying for the day: "You can take the ho out of the hood, but you can't take the ho out of the ho."

Yes, both teams have to bowl on the same shot, but that can work to the advantage of one of the teams. Example: If I know team A and B are going to be bowling on my "practice" pair and I know team A likes to play outside and up the boards and struggles if having to move in and team B likes to play in and swing it a little, whos to stop me from throwing an 80 grit particle in the area team A likes to play burning it to hell and forcing them in. Now what I have done is take team A out of there game and gave team B a little more area to bank the ball off of. Is this ethical, I say no, but in the race for a championship it could and will happen.

Jorge I understand what your saying also. If given the option of having to choose between the 2, I would definately say that they shouldn't be bowling on the pair that they are going to be bowling on in league. Either way it sucks that this is allowed to happen. My house doesn't allow anyone to bowl after the lanes have been dressed for league whether it is sport/pba or house shot. Good luck with getting this changed, I hope it works out the way you would like it to.
Jason Smith
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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2008, 05:09:28 PM »
I was a  team in first place last year that 2-3 guys from second place would practice on our pair weekly, they did blow out the pattern but the place was more on the oily side so it actually helped us.

I would just sit from the restaurant eating dinner and laugh, it played perfect for me but it would annoy me on a sport pattern.


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2008, 05:09:59 PM »
we did was have 15 minutes of practice so everybody get warmed up
and there is the late bowler in summertime
instead on most normal 10 minutes of practice in regular league.


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2008, 06:16:46 PM »
but they decided sort of off the cuff that people should ONLY bowl on their starting pair. ...  My feeling is that this is giving one team an unfair advantage

As long as everyone is allowed to bowl on their starting pair, there should be no problem.  I mean, if your opponents get that pair, you should be allowed to join them in practising on that pair so that it is not limited to only one team practising on them.  That way no one has the unfair advantage.


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2008, 06:49:54 PM »
That's what your 10 or 15 minute practice is for.  If you want to practice before league, you need to do it on a pair that's not going to be bowled on for a league that night.  No one should bowl on the league lanes after they're oiled until league time.


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2008, 08:41:06 PM »
Well, I'll be ...... I never, in my many years of bowling, running leagues, tournaments etc. did I ever hear of allowing bowling on the league/tournament lanes before hand by ANYBODY!
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<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>


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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2008, 12:01:39 AM »
Well, I'll be ...... I never, in my many years of bowling, running leagues, tournaments etc. did I ever hear of allowing bowling on the league/tournament lanes before hand by ANYBODY!

Back in the early '80's there used to be a big money league at Classic Lanes near Rochester, MI that had open bowling before the big money league.  You went in and if you were the first there, you got a lane and anyone else in the league could join in to bowl with you on that lane (or pair).  Just pay for the frames you threw.  

That seems to have been a common practise back then before they started to put out a fresh oil pattern for leagues.  When did we get spoiled?


I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2008, 08:48:21 AM »
If they want it to be a certified PBA Experience league they can't allow bowling on the pair prior to competition.
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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2008, 11:09:22 AM »
Our league meeting is tonight, last chance for anyone to comment.

Let me try and clear a few things up:

1) We are not a certified league in anyway. The center is nice enough to put out the tougher shots for the summer league. But it seems to have found something as I said we have 30 teams this year.

2) We do not have any additional lanes available. We use 1-30, the other league use 31-44.

3) While no open bowling before is preferred, that solution will not pass a vote in this league, guaranteed.

My grips is saying that a person(s) must bowl on their starting pair. It gives that person(s) an unfair advantage over their direct competition. I agree that bowling on anothers pair coudl make those lanes become unplayable, but the two teams in direct competition will have to deal with the equally. To me it is 2 team bowling equal even if it is on an unplayable conditon versus one team gaining an advantage over their direct competitors.


Mike Austin

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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2008, 01:22:32 PM »
The house Jorge is bowling in is in a more affluent area.  Lots of open play at probably $4 a game.  The league probably starts a little later, like 7 or 7:30.  They don't want to lose all the revenue by having the lanes sit unused.

Not everyone can get there early enough to practice on their own lanes, get lined up, grooved in, etc.  There are some good bowlers in this league.  A few Regional Champions, Houston Hall of Famers, Pete McCordic, etc...  A number of these guys will KNOW how to burn a hole in the pattern to open it up.  The pattern is not Sport, probably a variation on PBA.  The owner of the bowl's daughter is married to the guy that does the lanes for the SW PBA.  Cary can program their machine or his, he owns 2-3 himself, to put out just about anything imaginable.

Big Man!!  They should just change the rule to not allowed to practice on your lanes for the evening and be done with it!!  Miss all you guys down there.  That is a good league.  Smack Everett on the head for me and tell him to shoot me an email!!

I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:

Check out Tony's Journals - they are FREE!!

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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Re: Open bowling before league
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2008, 03:55:28 PM »
The house Jorge is bowling in is in a more affluent area.  Lots of open play at probably $4 a game.  The league probably starts a little later, like 7 or 7:30.  They don't want to lose all the revenue by having the lanes sit unused.

Not everyone can get there early enough to practice on their own lanes, get lined up, grooved in, etc.  There are some good bowlers in this league.  A few Regional Champions, Houston Hall of Famers, Pete McCordic, etc...  A number of these guys will KNOW how to burn a hole in the pattern to open it up.  The pattern is not Sport, probably a variation on PBA.  The owner of the bowl's daughter is married to the guy that does the lanes for the SW PBA.  Cary can program their machine or his, he owns 2-3 himself, to put out just about anything imaginable.

Big Man!!  They should just change the rule to not allowed to practice on your lanes for the evening and be done with it!!  Miss all you guys down there.  That is a good league.  Smack Everett on the head for me and tell him to shoot me an email!!

I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:

Check out Tony's Journals - they are FREE!!

Mr. Austin, you are sorely missed as well. Everett has declined to participate this summer, not sure why, but when we start the fall, if I don't see him before, I will honor yoru request. Mike is spot on, we start about 8:00. I don't see if there are any "regular" open bowlers, but I am sure there are before I arrive. Mostly it's the players, who honestly (I think) just want to get better and get more practice on the tougher shot, but we have a few very good bowlers, as Mike said, that know how to burn in a shot. Now for the little money we get back is it worth it, not really, but there are brackets and we get quite a few each week that could sway the bar to try this.

I think this year they went closer to Sport then PBA, 3 patterns, different lengths. We are on the 43 foot pattern right now, but a little less volume then say Shark. NExt we get a 37 foot pattern, with a higher volume of oil, last is a 39 foot pattern with a volume in between the first two. Obviously the 43 footer isn't exaclty suited to my game, but I am second behind Pete in average so far so I can't complain.
