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Author Topic: Open HandicapTournaments  (Read 914 times)


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Open HandicapTournaments
« on: July 24, 2004, 07:19:15 PM »
Has anyone here ever bowled in an Open Handicap Tournament? Men and Women bowling on team, singles, doubles and All-Events. I have heard of one of these several years ago, but nothing in the Dallas area I can remember. What I had thought about was 5 person teams, any combination. Doubles, also any combination. Then maybe it would make sense to split singles and all-events. Any thoughts or what others may be doing somewhere else.



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Re: Open HandicapTournaments
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2004, 09:01:54 AM »
Follow up on my own question here. The majority of leagues are now mixed, however mixed tournaments do not recieve a very positive turn-out. In fact I lost money on all three I tried to run and our Metro tournament never has more than 50 or 60 teams. That is the mixed for the DFW-Fort Worth area. So, my thoughts were just open up to whatever combination. In someways I guess that is what the Nationals, State and Local ABC tournaments have become or will as of the full integration of the USBC. The tournament I currently operate has seperate Men's and Women's divisions, but the turnout for the ladies is half that of the men. I would not want to lose the men or women that currently bowl, but if I had just one open division the money would be improved. I am also thinking that the mixed only crowd might look our way more. Any thoughts? Do you like the idea of bowling against a team of all women or mixed with your all men's team? or turn that around..would you enter your mixed team if you knew you would be bowling against all men's teams?


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Re: Open HandicapTournaments
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2004, 09:34:13 AM »
In a handicap scenario I don’t know why it would matter what the mix of the teams was.

But women’s tournaments around here all seem to have a lot of divisions for averages. Without those divisions I don’t know if that would drive away a lot of the women in an open environment.

The women who want to bowl open simply get an ABC card now and do it and I think the rest would stick with the women’s division.

Also for the most part I don’t think women’s scores vary as much particularly on the top end. You seldom ever see a 140 average woman shoot over 210 or a 550+ series but I’ve seen a lot of low average men pop a 240+ game and shoot around 600. In a tournament situation I think you would see the guys dominate the top spots.

Some has to do with ball speed and ball weight, simply by throwing hard and head pin hunting some guy will bowl an unconscious score.