If his track is inverted, He can't have a pap with an up coordinate, just an quick fyi. Pin axis drills with mass bias (if it has one) in the track usually works well in situations like this, as there is enough backend naturally on the shot, it revs real early, yet doesn't backend like a lot of balls. I would reccomend a Ebonite Ice sanded to 1500 with pin axis or pin 1 inch away from axis.
Another option would be a ball that gets the most length possible with the hit of something stronger. I have a storm hit pearl that does just this for me. I have it polished right now with control it, and at its present condition, it allows me to play up te boards on a ths. It is about 2 boards stronger than a gold angle, 4 than a spare ball polished like a mofo, but it gets much better length than the angle and hits so much harder than either ball.
Tell him to try some control it or Track's delayed reaction on his weakest ball besides plastic. This will give the ball more length, without increasing the snap/turn at the breakpoint. I'd first sand the v2 dry to 2000 and then burn the polish into the coverstock. From my experience, reactive hits much harder than urethane or plastic (don't know why, maybe the frictional drive at the pins), even if it is a 3 peice reactive like my hit.
Hope something here helps, as I had the same problem for a while at one house, but i eventually moved into the oil with high load particle and tried not to miss right. I've been averaging 229 since i made the switch, so he might want to try playing "the frozen rope" going straight up 11 or 12.