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Author Topic: Openning Up a Pattern  (Read 747 times)

trash heap

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Openning Up a Pattern
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:11:42 AM »
This is something I am curious about in bowling and trying to read up on. So I am looking for some input on here.

There are four guys to a pair of lanes. If you are all working together what should you do if you are on a Shark Pattern?

a. Practice

b. 1st Game

c. Final decision: when you have determined that the lanes are ready for high scoring.

Also how about this for something like USBC Masters pattern?

I read and see this being done all the time. I usually only see it as an overview. Obviously there bowlers out there that know what to do because they are NOT allowed to discuss it while bowling. So I am thinking there might be some kind of system in place for each pattern.

Or is this some big secret like magicians have. You are not allowed to reveal the secrets to breaking down a pattern!
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Openning Up a Pattern
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 10:24:07 AM »

Riggs wrote this up for the USBC, but there's no reason the logic wouldn't be the same.  The second part of the article is about lane management.  Oil length and volume is addressed.
Telling it like it is.

trash heap

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Re: Openning Up a Pattern
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 11:59:18 AM »
Thanks Nails.

One thing to keep in mind is that it''s not a simple exercise of playing an area to the right for the 10 minutes of practice with a sanded ball and then grabbing a shiny ball and jumping left when you start. Proper lane management is a continuous process from the first practice ball to the final shot of the night. Our goal always is to use the plan that we think will give us the most playable reaction for the longest time. We also try to come up with a plan that will enable us to keep the ball in play early in that first game, so we don''t dig too big a hole when the lanes are at their toughest.

A little bit out of that article. Its more than just practice. Kind of what I hought. These guys plan and play the lanes from start to finish. I guess experience is the key but I find it always a big help getting a good starting point.

Edited on 3/1/2010 12:59 PM
Talkin' Trash!