None of the points suggested seems unrealistic or way out there. Id say you had a good session.
But I would also caution a few points:
Bowling is about repeating consistant relaxed shots. That phrase has several meanings that should be considered:
repeating/consistant... you need to analyse the individual changes and determine if each helps you to make more consistant shots than your original way.
relaxed... It is far to easy to become mechanical in nature when developing your bowling game. Mechanical in the sense of physically thinking about your bowling approach as you are going down the approach. This word relaxed does not necessarily refer to just the muscles but refers to a free mind while executing. Many many good and begining bowlers never understand that in order to repeat shots they CANNOT be consumed with mechaincs during exection. They have to let "bowling" happen.
It would appear that making this many changes without evaluating and having time digest each one would lend it self to becoming mechanical which is the primary cuase that bowlers dont achieve there potential.
Bowling Tips and Articles at: IRC: Internet Relay Chat on Dalnet #striketalk. 24x7x365