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Author Topic: Opinions on a lesson  (Read 844 times)


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Opinions on a lesson
« on: November 01, 2004, 09:59:16 PM »
It was supposed to be a ball fitting session, but it turned into a lesson.  After watching me roll, my coach made a few suggestions/comments which I'll list below.  Tell me what you think...I know you haven't seen me bowl, for the most part, but I'm thinkin' he's loony!!

  • He told me that my release is great, always a concern for me.  He also says I'm a much better bowler than my scores are showing.  I definitely agree there!!  I'm trying to get those good fundamentals, but in the process, I tighten up and won't let myself just bowl.

  • He tells me I'm a cranker (woo-hoo!! ), but my ball speed is too low for my revs.  I know this is true because I slow down my armswing in an effort to steer the ball at a specific target.  Ron C. can verify that one!!

  • The free arm swing I thought I was getting isn't a free arm swing.  I was pushing my arm out to it's max and just letting it drop.  I think that because I know I have early timing, I was controlling the swing from the bottom of the backswing through release, also contributed to the lower than desired ball speed.

  • He changed my setup position.  A little less knee bend and a little more bend at the waist.  Lowers the ball height a little, but I'm not controlling the swing as much, so I'm getting better speed.  Don't know if I like this because I feel my weight is too far forward.  A definite sticking point for me.

  • He wants me to focus on pushing my break point a little farther down the lane.  Get a feel for how the lanes are playing, then focus on the 6-10 area.  From there, make a straight line back to my starting position and use that as my new target at the arrows.  He thinks I'm not getting through the front part of the lane cleanly enough and this will help me focus on an area as opposed to a specific point which will free me up to just let 'er rip.  Again, not sure about this.  It definitely worked where the lesson took place.  Drier conditions for the most part and I needed to be more in the oil through the heads - especially with the ball I was using.  At my league house, I'm having a hard time with it -- much slicker conditions.

  • Had me work on 10 pins by pulling my ring finger out of the ball and breaking my wrist.  Felt really funky, but it worked when I wasn't dropping the ball.

It was a ton of stuff to hit in an hour, and I think that's why I'm a little confused.  I'm definitely in a state of "Paralysis of Analysis" as I've had quite a few sessions with multiple coaches, including the guys at the BES.  For you guys that have seen me bowl at the BES, I've definitely increased my revs since June -- basically from a more complete understanding of what Ron C. was working on with me.
Anyway, does anything here stick out as being just "whacked" to you?  



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Re: Opinions on a lesson
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2004, 10:40:13 AM »
None of the points suggested seems unrealistic or way out there. Id say you had a good session.

But I would also caution a few points:

Bowling is about repeating consistant relaxed shots. That phrase has several meanings that should be considered:

repeating/consistant... you need to analyse the individual changes and determine if each helps you to make more consistant shots than your original way.

relaxed... It is far to easy to become mechanical in nature when developing your bowling game. Mechanical in the sense of physically thinking about your bowling approach as you are going down the approach. This word relaxed does not necessarily refer to just the muscles but refers to a free mind while executing. Many many good and begining bowlers never understand that in order to repeat shots they CANNOT be consumed with mechaincs during exection. They have to let "bowling" happen.  

It would appear that making this many changes without evaluating and having time digest each one would lend it self to becoming mechanical which is the primary cuase that bowlers dont achieve there potential.


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Re: Opinions on a lesson
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2004, 11:17:31 AM »
sounds to me like you got a one hour analysis rather than a lesson. A lesson usually has an objective,...when I teach I try and stay with one thing for one session,..after that we'll go to another and another,..trying to combine all the lessons as we progress...the mind and body can only absorb so much information at one time...too much at one time equals overload,..and then braindump.


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Re: Opinions on a lesson
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2004, 07:36:29 PM »
sounds to me like you got a one hour analysis rather than a lesson. A lesson usually has an objective,...when I teach I try and stay with one thing for one session,..after that we'll go to another and another,..trying to combine all the lessons as we progress...the mind and body can only absorb so much information at one time...too much at one time equals overload,..and then braindump.
I stopped by the proshop today to discuss the redrill on my X-Factor.  I asked if I could handle an Animal or Total Annihilation for the heavier stuff and he said not yet and that it would probably never come out of my bag.  I'm OK with that, except for the fact that one of my teammates uses an Animal, and his ball speed/revs or less than mine.  He said my teammate comes around the ball more than me and gets it through the heads cleaner.  I was only coming up the back more on Sunday because he wanted me to throw it harder!!!  AHHHHHH!!!!