Read Number 2
319a. Conditions that Apply
The following conditions apply to averages in handicap or classified tournaments, unless the
tournament rules state otherwise, except that only USBC league averages shall be accepted. (See
Rule 319c for average adjustment.)
1. Individual averages must be based on a minimum of 21 games in a USBC league.
2. When the previous season’s average is used, and at the time of bowling an entrant has a
current average for 21 or more games that is 10 pins or more higher than the prior season’s
average, the current average must be used.
3. Bowlers are responsible for verifying his/her own average, whether submitted by the bowler,
the team captain or others. If the submitted average is lower than required and results in a
lower classification or more handicap, the bowler’s score is disqualified. If the submitted
average is higher than required, prize winnings will be based on the submitted average. In the
case of a team of two or more bowlers, the averages will be combined to determine if the
correct total is higher or lower than the submitted total.
4. Average corrections can be made up to the end of the bowler’s first game of a series. Or, if an
extension of time has been granted in writing by tournament management before the end of
the first game of a series, the correction can be made within 48 hours after the end of the
5. When an association publishes a yearbook, a tournament using previous season averages to
determine handicap or classification, shall use the yearbook to verify averages, if furnished,
and not require the association to verify averages from that association.
Edited by imholte08 on 10/9/2011 at 12:18 PM