I received my copy of the entry form for the Texas State Tournament last week and just tossed it on the counter. Didn't do much more than open the envelope and knowing the deadline is early next year that was it. Happened to look at it this morning when my wife began reading a letter in the envelope with it about changes in the dress code and handicap. Handicap? Texas State is all scratch and 5 divisions. Ok... What is going on. Well for some reason after all these years they made the tournament handicap.. But not just handicap. 90% or 245! They did add a special scratch option that anyone can pay to enter at an extra $10 an event, well except all events just handicap for that one. Where in the world did they get 245? and you go from scratch to the highest handicap I have ever seen in a tournament. Now this is an event that pays crap to start. We won divisoin 1 in 2007 for team and got a big $190 each. That was enough to say we should only do those we can drive to in a day and not be out much for expenses, but talk about a sandbaggers paradise.
So all that ranting and I ask. What does your state tournaments use?
Roll with 900 Global.
Made in Texas!