i started bowling when i was 12 years old. i averaged 170 with a mudball, throwing a straight ball. i got a blue hammer when i was 16, learned how to hook it and shot my first 700 series in 1988. shot my first 300 the same year in a local sweeper tournament. i bowled adult leagues, instead of youth leagues, and it helped with my progression, BUT if i had it to do over with again, i would definitely go the youth league route. because of my style, and the fact that i don't give a crap about leagues, you'll never see me average 220 in them. but i've won alot of tournaments in my neck of the woods, and i still don't consider myself good. can i compete with the local "hacks", yes. all in all, get used to hitting what you look at on the lane right now, and look up a local coach whos certified in your area. get with them and let them evaluate what path you need to go. the sky's the limit if you put in enough work...stopncrank
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!