I've been wearing a simple type of wrist guard, just to keep my lazy wrist from flapping around too much. Works well, does what I intended it to do.
But after much consideration, I finally broke down and bought one of those bionic arm/wrist supports, to see if it really made that much of a difference. In my case, I bought the Mongoose Optimum, which is marketed as the best of the Lifter and the Equalizer in one device.
Tried it in practice the other night. Oh my God, I felt like I was cheating!
Effortless revs that I have never been able to achieve on my own up 'til now, and perfect ball positioning (it seemed) for proper axis tilt and rotation. All I had to do was keep my hand behind and under the ball, and the Mongoose thingamajig did the rest. I couldn't stop laughing! My ball looked like Chris Barnes' ball going down the lane!

I decided to take the thing off, and see if I could replicate what the device was doing, without its assistance. Sure enough, now that I'd felt the proper position of my hand and wrist, I was able to get more revs and more hook all on my own. Not quite as strong and effortless as with the support, but better.
So... I'm thinking of using it primarily as a training device. It still feels very unnatural, and it somewhat restricts my ability to throw straight at spares (it wants to keep your hand in the proper position for hooking it), so I won't wear it in competition, at least not yet.
Of course, if I happen to bowl a 130 the first game, I might decide I can't do any worse, and give it a try.

BTW, the biggest difference in my wrist supports is that the Mongoose provides support to the fingers, as well as the wrist. You just have to decide where to stand and where to throw the ball, and the device supplies the proper ball roll.
Cogito ergo bowl