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Author Topic: What's the purpose of a wrist device?  (Read 2412 times)


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What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« on: October 14, 2004, 11:27:43 AM »
Other than supporting a weak/injured wrist, I would think like wearing glasses, your eyes become complacent and do not try to strengthen themselves due to added help.  IMO, wrist devices should only be used as a means of training then abandoned.  How many of you really depend upon a wrist device for reasons other than the above?  Is it a mental block which prevents you from abandonment?  Is (being sarcastic ) 500 revs really necessary?  Does the device really aid or moreso cover mistakes made in your delivery/release?

Post your thoughts.




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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2004, 11:32:18 AM »
I've been wearing a simple type of wrist guard, just to keep my lazy wrist from flapping around too much.  Works well, does what I intended it to do.

But after much consideration, I finally broke down and bought one of those bionic arm/wrist supports, to see if it really made that much of a difference.  In my case, I bought the Mongoose Optimum, which is marketed as the best of the Lifter and the Equalizer in one device.

Tried it in practice the other night. Oh my God, I felt like I was cheating!

Effortless revs that I have never been able to achieve on my own up 'til now, and perfect ball positioning (it seemed) for proper axis tilt and rotation.  All I had to do was keep my hand behind and under the ball, and the Mongoose thingamajig did the rest.  I couldn't stop laughing!  My ball looked like Chris Barnes' ball going down the lane!

I decided to take the thing off, and see if I could replicate what the device was doing, without its assistance.  Sure enough, now that I'd felt the proper position of my hand and wrist, I was able to get more revs and more hook all on my own.  Not quite as strong and effortless as with the support, but better.

So... I'm thinking of using it primarily as a training device.  It still feels very unnatural, and it somewhat restricts my ability to throw straight at spares (it wants to keep your hand in the proper position for hooking it), so I won't wear it in competition, at least not yet.

Of course, if I happen to bowl a 130 the first game, I might decide I can't do any worse, and give it a try.

BTW, the biggest difference in my wrist supports is that the Mongoose provides support to the fingers, as well as the wrist.  You just have to decide where to stand and where to throw the ball, and the device supplies the proper ball roll.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 12:31:09 PM »
The only wrist device I've ever used was used to take something off the ball.  I used to wear a Robbies with a steel shaft in both the palm and back.  I'd bend it back to help flatten the ball and kill reaction for use on real dry stuff.  After a while I decided I could kill the ball on my own and haven't used it in 2 years.
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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2004, 01:54:52 PM »
I wear a wrist brace. My current robo of choice is the Storm Strong Arm, although I also have an assortment of Robbys, Columbia, and Mongoose devices from which to choose.

I've always struggled with the question asked by this topic, for several reasons. I guess I consider a wrist device as just another aid in the attempt to achieve higher scores. In general, we don't question finger inserts, thumb slugs, exotic asymmetric cores, and covers that grab to varying degrees to mask our inability to throw the ball perfect.

I've watched Robert Smith average 230 in league simply using a plastic ball, so why don't we all just attempt to do the same?

The bottom line is that a wrist brace does not magically turn you into a bowler. You either have the prerequisite skills of style and timing, or you don't. You either know how to make necessary adjustments, or you don't.

Anybody who believes a wrist brace can overcome the absence of basic required skill is deluding themselves.
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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 02:51:32 PM »
I have very small joints. Small wrists, ankles, knees, big beef most other places. They say that is great for a bodybuilder!

However with a big arm and a tiny wrist I frankly feel like it is a weak link.

I bowl better and my mistakes are minimized though my hook is smaller with a wrist brace.  Unlike many other American's I an not filled with self remorse, guilt and self loathing.

I bowl better, it's legal, I love it!

Thanks wrist brace!


PS for many many years I was undefeated in right handed arm wrestling till I had a tendon taken out of my right wrist for other repair work.
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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2004, 04:11:23 PM »
Okay, let me add this.

For the past four years that I've been bowling again, the weakest part of my game has been my inability to throw a strong-rolling ball.  I just never learned to keep under and behind the ball, with a firm wrist.  My natural tendency is to top the ball, and turn it early.

I was able to break those habits through much practice, but when I focus on keeping my wrist firm or slightly cupped, the resulting tension in my wrist causes my whole arm to tighten, and I generally wind up grabbing the ball, or in some other way, not getting out of the ball cleanly, and hitting up on it.

We all know now that, in the modern game, hitting up on the ball is not good.

So the bionic wrist support allows me to roll the ball the way I want to, while allowing my arm to remain loose and free-swinging.

As I said before, I intend to use it as a training device, to see if I can learn to roll it that way without tension, but if I can't, I'll probably start using it all the time.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2004, 04:39:42 PM »
seadrive: With due respect to Sawbones, it's not always just a matter of strengthening the arm/wrist.

As you alluded to, many of us formed bad habits that have been reinforced over 20+ years of bowling. The physically 'incorrect' movements become so ingrained, that it becomes a psychological wall that can be almost impossible to break down.

In this case, there should be no shame in wearing a brace. If you can wean yourself from using a device, that's fine. But if you can't, don't let anyone make believe you're a lesser bowler for it. You still have to possess all the other required skills to be successful. And that's ultimately what's important.
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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2004, 05:38:51 PM »
I'm with Lefty on this one!!!!!
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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 06:47:17 PM »
Steven, don't worry.  If I choose to use the wrist brace, I won't lose any sleep over it.

BTW, when a guy named Scroggins beat the best bowler in the world last Spring, I didn't hear anyone say that he didn't earn it because of the bionic wrist thingie he was wearing.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2004, 06:58:13 PM »
seadrive: Somehow, I didn't think you were asking for permission.

On another note, I didn't know there was now a Mongoose Optimum. I have both the Lifter and the Equalizer, so I'm trying to imagine how a combined device would feel.

Every once in a while, I practice with my Lifter. I just can't get used to having that strap around the base of my fingers. I tend to want to cup the ball a little, and the sensation of that strap digging in starts to get annoying after a few games.

Otherwise, the Lifter does provide good support.

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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2004, 10:52:38 PM »
i have this cobra 3 one i used to have, my friend has it but im ganan get it back bc he dosent bowl any more and sel it on here. Its goes up my forearm and has the thing on the pointer finger. O this one has an adjustablewrist part wher eu can have the ball in a full cupped postion or flat.

The 1st 5 balls it fels so weird, but it gets u revs like no other.
1.the thing on the point finger keeps ur finger pressed down on the ball. gtes ur thumb out fast.
3. makes u have a certain axes rotation
4.revvvvvvs the ball like no other.


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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2004, 10:34:41 AM »

Try writing in English.  I started getting a headache just reading the first line of your post; was unable to continue reading.  BTW, what does "ganan" mean?


I've never owned either the Lifter or the Equalizer, so I can't tell you what the differences are between them and the Optimum.  The guys at Mongoose would probably be happy to tell you, if you ask.

The strap seems optional.  Why can't you just attach it to the velcro pad, without strapping it around your fingers?  Or hey, just slice the dang thing off!
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2004, 11:08:54 AM »
I use the regular Pro Release.

I had a ganglion cyst surgically removed from my radial artery. I also have arthritis in this wrist perhaps caused from a fracture in high school football.
The only way I can bowl comfortably is to wear a wrist brace.

I would not want to try bowling without some support for my wrist.

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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2004, 11:35:31 AM »
I have no physical problems, no guilt, I use a wrist brace because it is legal and I bowl better!


A non guilty wrist brace user.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: What's the purpose of a wrist device?
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2004, 12:07:47 PM »
I have no physical problems, no guilt, I use a wrist brace because it is legal and I bowl better!

A man with no shame and no guilt, will wonders never cease?

Glad to hear you're so well adjusted, LL!

On second thought...

Wow, a lefty wearing a wrist brace.  If it got any easier, they'd just hand you the 300 ring every time you walked in the door!

Sorry LL, I couldn't let that one pass!
Cogito ergo bowl

Edited on 10/16/2004 12:18 PM