Is it just me, or does it seem that companies are running out of decent names for balls?
With so many balls being released it was only a matter of time, but seems like the manufacturers have all hit the wall at about the same time.
I remember not that long ago we had "stinger" and "assassin" and "anger" and "triple x factor" and .... you know... single word, aggressive names. Even if you weren't an avid bowler, you knew the names sounded like weapons for some sort of competition or battle.
And what do we have now?
Well, just take a look at the most recent releases listed on the home page of this site:
Bossco and Litch...., TNBA Rhythm, Black Mamba, Pursuit --- ok, that one I can see.
Can't find better exanples at this time (partly cause the new site makes jumping from page to page kind of clunky), but that's my 2 cents.
If it's just me, well.. then it is. But it does seem the names are becoming more complex and less aggressive sounding.
At least Track uses the number system. I have multiple 607A's, a 930T, and a 718A. aside from telling the bowler something about the ball's characteristics, at least the names sound strong or at least neutral.
But back to my original point ---- do the names seem to be getting weaker over the last several months or so?