I have a power machine plugged and ready to be redrilled that I was thinking would be a better choice than the Ultra Zone for this task. I am a stroker, with a moderate, rev rate, 300-325, ball speed 14-16. You are correct in your assessment about throwing the ball extremely hard. That is what these guys are doing. Playing down hill, and throwing hard. It seems to work.
I may still end up back inside for the third game after all is said and done, but I do want to try this adjustment and learn to play down 2 to 5 consistently. I see several of the pros doing it, although on much more difficult shots.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.
Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.