I hand a old teammate who did this because of injury, rather than just to try it. He was a 210-220 RH bowler before injuring his wrist. He turned around and bowled LH for at least 5-6 seasons before going back to RH. He started out a little below your level LH, he hadn't practiced it all. He started out very much as a beginner LH. But within 1-2 season he was averaging 195-200 LH. I believe his knowledge from bowling RH accelerated his learning curve LH, but easy THS was also a big part of that as well. I do not know if he went to Nationals as a lefty, or what his scores were if he did.
I mention this because I agree with your points. An easy THS turned a absolute beginner bowler LH into a 200 average bowler in a very short time. Again, his wasn't a beginner to bowling, so I am sure that helped. But if he were bowling on sport or challenge patterns, I am sure he wouldn't have made such larger strides so quickly. I think your post illustrates the frustration a lot of us have with bowling right now. The THS patterns that are out there inflate averages. The better bowlers, for the most part, realize this and don't get caught up in averaging 230+. But the bowlers who average 210-220 on THS usually don't see it that way, from my experience. There are a few that do, but the majority believe that is an accurate view of their skill level. Then they bowl on a challenge or sport pattern and average 160-170 because they spray the ball over a wide area and now it doesn't hit the pocket. They are decent spare shooters, but they tend to hook the ball at all their spares, so on the harder patterns they are leaving more multi-pin spares and then missing them because they can't throw straight (or straighter) at them. And then they get frustrated and angry and complain about the shot. That is the issue, instead of accepting that they aren't as good as their THS average shows, they get upset and complain and vow to not bowl in that house/tournament/event again. So no one can run a tournament anymore and put out a tougher shot, because then they lose entries and can't sustain it. I don't know the answer to fix it, but if we don't fix it, it means the end of the "sport" of bowling.