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Author Topic: 25 year old junior?  (Read 1386 times)


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25 year old junior?
« on: February 27, 2009, 12:23:30 AM »
Las summer I bowled in an adult junior league with my 17 year old brother and 2 of his friends.  I was only 19 at the time and I had already made the switch to adult...The the stupid guy RUNNING THE LEAGUE had this 'kid' that was 25 on the team.  He was bowling as one of the juniors on that team.  I don't know how that happened, but it pissed me off so much!  He won high average for the juniors and got a scholorship?  He was always talking about going to the casino.  I wish I would have stayed a junior just so I could show this dude how to bowl.

Sorry, I don't know what made me think of this, but it just makes me so bad.  He was so cocky...dude your 25.  He was always talking about 'college'. There is nothing wrong with going to a 2 year school, but I just didn't want to hear it.  I'm going to a four year school and bowling on their team, you would think that I would be a junior before him!

Anyway, I just needed to get that out.

Edited on 2/27/2009 9:24 AM



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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 08:24:41 AM »
mentally retarded perhaps


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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 08:29:20 AM »
he for sure was not


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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2009, 10:05:01 AM »
You can bowl in college as an adult or youth doesnt matter
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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 11:26:03 AM »
i thawt the cut off was like 21 or until you were outa college....


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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 11:46:28 AM »
You can't bowl high school as an adult, but college you can definitely bowl as an adult.


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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 12:10:54 PM »
you only have to stay youth if your bowling womens because of the NCAA. mens bowling is all club sports so it doesnt matter since you are not competeing for individual money.
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys

David Lee Yskes

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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 11:41:21 PM »

if you think thats bad lol..  back in 91-92,I was 15 at the time,  i qualified for the Coca-cola classic tourny in Michigan when i was bowling juniors.  Well it was being held down in Battlecreek @ M66 bowl.  Well myself and my mom n stepdad are down there and i am waiting for my bowling shift to start, and my mom comes upto me and tells me she just got done talking to this nice young lady who's 21 and bowling in the same tourny and she's "sponser'd" by Ebonite......  Here I am with a red hammer and a purple hammer and she's toting around 8 bowling balls.  

talk about being out gunned before i even got started.... And yes I missed the cut by 40pins.  nothing like starting out using the wrong ball and shooting a 130 game then going 190/200.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: 25 year old junior?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 10:12:39 AM »
One of my teammates since we have been kids was around 24 in his final year of bowling juniors. He however was only like a 160 average and mentally disabled. On a side note, myself and many of my teammates stayed down in juniors until we turned 21, which is I believe the cut off. I don't really have an issue with it unless you are really exceptionally good. 200+ average. We wanted to stay down as long as we could. We were all like 170-180 averages then, so it was't like we were dominating the competition. Our mentality was that we have our whole lives to bowl adult, why go up prematurely? As for the 25 year old, I'm not sure how he was still bowling juniors. In our case, our teammate who was 24 got permission from the house owner who ran the league. Perhaps this is what happened in your case.