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Author Topic: ball technology.....plastic  (Read 807 times)


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ball technology.....plastic
« on: July 16, 2008, 01:38:38 PM »
as someone who did not bowl during the plastic era let alone the urethane era, i was forced to use a plastic ball today at practice for my strike ball. my first shot of the day with my total inferno hit the 2nd arrow and instantly hooked and clipped the 7 pin off the rack. after moving to the left gutter and forcing the ball thru the heads i gave up after two games of this and grabbed my plastic ball. on the left lane i was able to play a down and in shot around 8. medium speed with very little axis rotation. on the right lane i had to swing it. this is what interested me the most. after seeing reactive balls hook and enjoy the benefits of track flare throwing a plastic ball was hook only( very little and no track flare ). experienced players must have been in shock when they first saw the amf angle, then the black hammer, then the nuline x-caliber, and then the jade quantum.

Edited on 7/16/2008 9:46 PM



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Re: ball technology.....plastic
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 11:46:09 PM »
I'll never forget the first X-Caliber I saw roll down a lane. I had been throwing a Roto Grip X-3 for about a year and after seeing the X-Caliber I made a beeline to the pro shop.

My only regret was, by the time I had enough to afford the ball (I was in college at the time), I let the pro shop guy talk me into a Columbia ProHook Extreme instead of the X-Caliber. The ProHook Extreme was a good ball for me and I'm not complaining, but I never got the chance to throw an X-Caliber and now I wish I had.

The early ones, though, had such durability problems (I have yet to see one to this day that had inserts glued in that managed to have a bridge stay in one piece) that I bought the ProHook Extreme because I couldn't afford to have gotten the X-Caliber fixed.



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Re: ball technology.....plastic
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2008, 02:44:43 PM »
I was using various Columbia U-dots and Blue Hammers when the X-calibur came out. I was at a regional and one of the ball reps was trying to get the guys to use it. Near the end of the tournament he had 2 or three drilled that no one wanted and I asked if I could by one cheap. He gave me one and told me to tell my friends about it. Three days later in league people were falling all over themselves to find out what I was using. That thing would snap left like someone kicked it. May have been my favorite ball of all time.
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Re: ball technology.....plastic
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2008, 02:58:42 PM »
I love when the lanes dry out and I can use my Mark Roth Pro Max or even my C300 blue dot spare ball. I'm a young guy, 15 to be exact. I don't hook the ball all over the lane and I love the down and in smooth reaction of urethane and plastic. I shot 733 with the Pro Max the 3rd week I had it.
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