sounds like a good old fashioned wet/dry to me; if you're a Bones' styled "flinger", this can give you grief. This pattern is where you have 3 basic choices for balls and several choices of delivery modifications to deal with it.
1. Use very mild resin like the Rot-Grip Sonic-X or DynoThane Barrage to play a normal shot going out into the dry,
2. As strider said, use a strong oil ball and keep it inside the dry area the whole path to the pocket,
3. Use a control ball like the old Lane#1 Pro Purple or Viper, Storm Bolt Pro, Columbia red Pulse, Visionary Purple Ice, etc to play your normal shot. These smaller hooking, control-style balls do not react violently off the dry nor do the over-skid on the oil.
1. Throw it faster and with less revs (and maybe more rotational axis) to reduce your normal backend,
2. Throw it with more of an end-over-end, to achieve the same purpose as #1,
3. However else you choose to make a more controlled release.
Or even combine balls and delivery style.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."