I would love to find a league that has the PBA patterns like that.
You are lucky. I only know of one and it is said to be in a tough house so good 220 guys are scraping buy with a 200 at best.
My avg would be terrible on the patterns other than B and maybe E. I have shot on lot of short patterns and had my rear end kicked so I learned a little.
the first tournament I bowled on a long pattern I was under big time. the next time a little better. I received decent advice from some of the HAmmer staff guys and did better. The last time I shot, I was just plus because I didn't know how to handle a rapid breakdown. now I have a better idea so I think I can be + on that pattern. I have to learn to play 5th and 6th arrow better if I want to win on it.
it was suggested that I get a ball, reactive, and drill it pin up 5 x 4. buy one of the regional Hammer staff guys. so I will give that a try to backup my Unleashed.
Just a question or two. in your league, do they rotate a different pattern every week? when they repeat the pattern do they use a different oil variant? do they tell you first?
also do you have a ball or balls drilled for different patterns?
I ask because I want to shoot more tournaments and maybe a few regionals, if I can rehab my knees.
I know I like my Unleahed on B. I need a good goto ball when the track burns up.
on short patterns I like a pearl resin drilled pin down cg near pap. I would like to back that up with 5 x 6 or 105deg layout. something within the cg negative.
as for A,C,and D ? that could be 3 to 6 more balls.
I hoping to attack it with this thought, 3 ball for midlane and 3 balls for backend. Getting advice from staff guys is great becuse I assume they have access to equipment and lane patterns so they know what they are telling me.
the hardest part is donating money to identify how you equipment works best. I wish I knew a lane man that would put down PBA patterns for practice
so for now I will pick up 1 more ball and try and shoot every Pattern B and E, I can.
"deserves got nothing to do with it."-- William Munny