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Author Topic: Overheard during league tonight.  (Read 2241 times)


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Overheard during league tonight.
« on: June 01, 2004, 08:37:10 AM »
I overheard someone say this tonight during practice during our PBA shot league. We were bowling on pattern B he said was like either 43 or 45 feet, 2 feet of oil does not make a difference. I heard that and thought to myself that he should put his shoes on and leave. I just could not believe that somebody would say that bowling on these patterns. Now I know that 2 feet does not sound like a whole lot but it is when it comes up to oil pattern length. Just wondering what the rest of you think about 2 feet difference in oil patterns.
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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2004, 11:41:04 PM »
It really depends, are we taking 2 feet of actual length, or just extra buff?

For the most part, depending on how much oil is out there, 2 feet right at the breakpoint like that could make all the difference in the world.


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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2004, 11:45:55 PM »
Good point the last few feet on pattern B is buffed but it can still make a difference.

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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2004, 12:01:53 AM »
but really how much?

does it mean moving a few boards right or left. does it mean a few boards tighter?

carrydown is about the biggest factor.

and if everyone is playing the lanes the way they should for that pattern then a track area should be burned in pretty quick.

why should he leave? did he lack talent or just have more than you? I really have no idea why anyone would so upset about a statement like that? what's the big deal.

Could you even tell if they had a 2 foot difference from one week to another?

I know I wouldn't care. get lined up and make adjustments. I certainly don't care if  one lane had 43 and the other 45. the big secret is on the the PBA web site. "B" usually is played with an inside line and adjustments go deep 2 feet may keep you tighter but big deal.

If something like that bother's you then you have not been bowling long. that doesn't even register on the top 100 dumb things bowlers say.
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2004, 12:03:39 AM »
2 ft of buff is HUGE. Even buffed oil is oil. It may not be very heavy, but it does provide for more length AND it will provide the possibility of carrydown.

2 ft of non buffed oil is much more noticeable. But both are going to make a difference on how the lanes play.
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Carl Hurd

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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2004, 12:09:20 AM »
In the Winter my Sport League bowls on 36, 38 and 42 feet patterns.  A couple of extra feet on the fresh, regardless of buff, can make a huge difference.
got revs?


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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2004, 01:27:42 AM »
I certainly lack good written communication skills

I guess the big thing is, you are bowling on pattern B you expect 43 feet and its 45 feet. what can you do? the pattern is relatively close. I'm to lazy to do the math. but it will change the entry angle expecting but how much?

Pattern B is played with an inside line and you move left as it open up and keep it from hitting the outside. at least that is what I watched the pros do and have done myself ( I know all to well about hitting that outside oil early. don't want to talk about that).

so you have to go a little straighter up the boards. slow down a little, manage the friction a little more. I don't think it will make you play 1st arrow or something drastic.

I would certainly like to throw on a pair and have 1 at 43 and 1 at 45. and see a side by side comparison. I have bowled in some houses where one lane gets tight and the other is flying.

what caused it? was this pattern longer or shorter this week? did the air conditioning vents get blocked on the right side of the vent? there are so many variables to consider and I really don't think 2 feet matters.

Only thought that I have, is maybe a certain style would be drastically affected by 2 feet. maybe a high speed low rev guy would freak more than a med speed med rev guy? I don't know.

it just seams like the over analytical technology is getting in the way of execution. at a certain physical level the game becomes more mental and worrying about 2 feet buffed or cross buffed or buffed forward or double buffed. whatever lane men do. after 24 balls have been thrown on the pair it has changed.

depending on the rate of breakdown by the second game it may not even matter.

does this make sense to anyone or am I just having hard time saying probably something simple. or I'm completely wrong. that has happened a time or two.

Give 43 give me 45. when I am bowling well I will score. when I'm bowling bad, you can carve a trench to the pocket, tilt the lanes and I will miss.
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2004, 08:10:17 AM »
Pattern B (Pattern Brutal, as I prefer to call it) is 43 feet in length.  I'm not quite sure where this 'extra' 2 feet of oil is coming from, but if we're talking true PBA patterns, 43' is it.

There are 3 different versions of Pattern B on tour.  B-1 is 40 microliters of oil/board, B-2 is 45 mics/bd and B-3 is 50 mics/bd.  My last regional on B was B-3.  It was a lot like bowling on an icy sidewalk.

If your lane guy has different lengths for pattern B, then it's not always a true Pattern B.  You might ask him about oil volume, which can make it appear there is extra length.

If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.

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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2004, 12:50:15 PM »
Omegabowler I have been bowling for most of my life. Did the guy have more talent then me. I would say no but some may say yes. It was pattern B with 43 feet of oil. Why did I think he should go home. That was just what I was thinking to myself. We all think to ourselves about people bowling around you about what they do or say. It was meant nothing more then a joke and that is all. I just meant that if he thought 2 feet of oil is not that different that he has some more learning to do about the game. From my experience working with setting oil patterns up trying different lengths of oil 2 feet is a lot of difference. I would also love to have one lane 43 feet and the other 45 feet just like you do to see how you have to adjust on the lanes. I am by far not the best bowler in the city but I do know that I can hold my own against them. I have done it in the past and I know I can still compete against them.
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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2004, 02:16:17 PM »
I would love to find a league that has the PBA patterns like that.

You are lucky. I only know of one and it is said to be in a tough house so good 220 guys are scraping buy with a 200 at best.

My avg would be terrible on the patterns other than B and maybe E. I have shot on  lot of short patterns and had my rear end kicked so I learned a little.

the first tournament I bowled on a long pattern I was under big time. the next time a little better. I received decent advice from some of the HAmmer staff guys and did better. The last time I shot, I was just plus because I didn't know how to handle a rapid breakdown. now I have a better idea so I think I can  be + on that pattern. I have to learn to play 5th and 6th arrow better if I want to win on it.

it was suggested that I get a ball, reactive, and drill it pin up 5 x 4. buy one of the regional Hammer staff guys. so I will give that a try to backup my Unleashed.

Just a question or two. in your league, do they rotate a different pattern every week? when they repeat the pattern do they use a  different oil variant? do they tell you first?

also do you have a ball or balls drilled for different patterns?

I ask because I want to shoot more tournaments and maybe a few regionals, if I can rehab my knees.

I know I like my Unleahed on B. I need a good goto ball when the track burns up.

on short patterns I like a pearl resin drilled pin down cg near pap. I would like to back that up with 5 x 6 or 105deg layout. something within the cg negative.

as for A,C,and D ? that could be 3 to 6 more balls.

I hoping to attack it with this thought, 3 ball for midlane and 3 balls for backend. Getting advice from staff guys is great becuse I assume they have access to equipment and lane patterns so they know what they are telling me.

the hardest part is donating money to identify how you equipment works best. I wish I knew a lane man that would put down PBA patterns for practice

so for now I will pick up 1 more ball and try and shoot every Pattern B and E, I can.

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2004, 04:05:31 PM »
The way the league was set up that we would use patterns A-E and also the TOC pattern. The first week we used pattern E we drew for the next week that ended up being TOC following week was D then A this week we had B next week will be C. For the last 2 weeks we will draw between all of them to see what we get.

As for different balls for different patterns I do not have any. I just use my current equipment and try to learn more about them. I wish I had the money to get new equipment for each pattern though. I understand why the pro's have balls that will get down the lane a long ways. From what I am seeing is that you want a ball to get down the lane and have a smooth transition. Everything that I have snaps up really hard so this is really helping me to see what I should try to get with new equipment.

If you ever have a chance to throw on the PBA patterns no matter what one it is I would suggest just for the practice do it. I am not worring about the score as much as the learning process coming out of this. The patterns will teach you how to be more accurate for every shot you make. Not only on location of ball but also the speed of it. The past few weeks bowling on this is really opening my eyes to see what exactly I need to improve on. Bowling on each condition seeing how the ball reacts and trying to adjust accordingly is awsome.

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Re: Overheard during league tonight.
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2004, 04:13:39 PM »

I don't think the difference between 25 and 27 is big.  Or the difference between 33 and 35 is big.  But when the oil goes all the way to the breakpoint of 43 to 45 feet it is a very big distinction.  

Your already testing the extreme with pattern B and now even more stress is being added.

It's like in weightlifting.  For a guy who can bench 425 pounds.  An increase from 200 to 300 is nothing.  To 400 is a bit.  To 420 is a lot and to 425 is make or break!  


PS so it's not the magnitude of the change it is at what point in the performance curve does the extra stress get added!
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