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Author Topic: Should prohshops haggle on price?  (Read 1205 times)


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Should prohshops haggle on price?
« on: September 23, 2003, 10:37:44 PM »
This is spilling over from the Misc non bowling section but should a proshop allow bargaining on the price of a ball?

We do not. The price is what it is. For league bowlers we do give a 10% discount off of our prices. People talk among themselves, if you give one guy a better deal than another someone will find out and be pissed off that he didn’t get that price.

We offer service. Others in town are have cheaper prices but he drills the most balls. He is the best fitter I have ever seen of bowlers. If we can get them to let us measure them (even if they don’t want a ball right then) 90% of the time they will come back as they realize that he measured them the correct way. We have a large line of balls in stock, several types of inserts including the 7/8” drill inserts, plugging a ball will take 2 days or less, he can measure and drill a blank ball generally in less than 30 minutes (some customers ask more questions than others).

There are bowlers who are looking solely for the cheapest price on the ball regardless of how it is fitted or drilled. We don’t want that business, we want the customer who cares how the equipment is fitted and drilled. There will always be someone willing to undercut you. They will go out of business while yours goes on. I’ve seen it happen a dozen times here.

Discounting just to get a sale leads to having to discount everything and eventually you don’t make any money on any sale. That’s fine if you run the proshop as a sideline to the bowling center but if your proshop guy is trying to make a living at it he’ll go broke.



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Re: Should prohshops haggle on price?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 01:51:40 PM »
Good comments, Pinbuster.  Sadly though, we don't have too many customers like that.  Of course, running a pro shop requires making a large amount of money, but a smaller amount is still better than none.  And if you only offer a smaller discount, 10 bucks or so, people are more inclined to buy.  Then once they tell their friends, they'll come in and buy a ball a good portion of the time as well.  So instead of keeping the price as is and getting no money, you might be making only 30 bucks profit on a ball instead of 40, but once you sell two or three at the discounted price, that's nearly 100 dollars you probably wouldn't have had.  I guess that's just the mentality of the people here.  It doesn't matter how much it costs, if you say it's on sale, they'll buy it.  I had a guy walk in here the other day looking at a Scout.  We sell them for 85 bucks.  He asked if they were on sale, and I said not at the moment, so he said he would just wait until Christmas to see if they were on sale then, and walked out.  ???  It's a Scout, the most we'd take off would be 5 bucks, but that probably would have made the difference.
HAH!  I don't know ANYBODY now!

Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.  

1.  You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.  

2.  The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE.  I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.  

3.  Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.


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Re: Should prohshops haggle on price?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2003, 01:53:48 PM »
To a point, maybe.  For first time customers? Certainly not!  For repeat customers, sure!  However, as a repeat customer myself, the only time I asked for a discount was on a multiple item purchase in excess of $300 (even then I only asked for 10%).  Most of the time it is now offered when I ask the price.  I think this is a nice gesture that shows they appreciate my repeat purchases. Take care of your customers, treat them right, and they'll do business with you before going anywhere else!


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Should prohshops haggle on price?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 02:19:04 PM »
Yes!  My point exactly, 9.  Frequent customers should earn somewhat of a break because of all the money they spend in the shop.  Lol, you know, kind of like losing so much money at a casino, they send you free buffets and chip money.  It's too bad pro shops aren't like supermarkets.  Lol, people have to eat, therefore they will pay the price and hope for coupons.  And for the normal league bowlers that ask for discounts, I just tell them it's already discounted, because actually everything is.  Doesn't go over very well sometimes, but it's not my fault people can't add and see that we're still cheaper than the other shop in town that offers a league bowler discount.
HAH!  I don't know ANYBODY now!

Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.  

1.  You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.  

2.  The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE.  I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.  

3.  Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.


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Re: Should prohshops haggle on price?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2003, 08:10:36 AM »
I ask my driller for a price and pay it because I know that the ball will be perfect for me. Not one that I bowl for a week then stick in my attic because it doesnt feel quite right.
He usually gives me something when I go down also like free grips for my main ball or a bag to keep the one in that Ive just purchased or the like.
So I guess what Im trying to say is he treats me right and he knows I'll go back. Preety much what you guys are trying to say.
He also seems very happy to see me when I visit, maybe because I dont pester him for discount, I dont know.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.