I have a Perfect Rival and it would be a great choice but will overlap with your NVD somewhat. The PR starts pretty early with a drilling of 4 inches pin to pap and cg at 4 1/2, it continues and never quits.
I have an NVD also and can tell you it hook more on the back than the PR but total hook would be pretty close. I like the PR much better than the NVD, hit is better for me but the layout's are different so it would not be a fair comparison.
The PR gets no love on here but is an outstanding bowling ball, my other suggestion would be a Grand Illusion which is less ball than the PR but more than RF Solid. I do also own a RF solid not pearl so I doubt hardly anyone on here but me really has thrown everyone of these balls.
BTW the PR is smooth and keeps on hooking you will like that choice, the GI can get jumpy with broken down heads but you would go to a RF anyway so that does not matter too much.