Nick, don't you think that when you release the next greatest ball, that it takes away from the shelf life of the last next greatest ball? Years ago, products were given time to ripen and become those staples. If they were duds, those were the ones that you saw on the discontinued list, not all the ones that you see now because there wasn't enough time as the next greatest ball before the next next greatest ball came out?
In my pro shop days, the guy that I worked for was a huge Ebonite fan. So much so, that he bought 48 blue Omegas. As we all know, that ball was a commercial flop, and was on closeout as soon as they came out with the Omega LM. Those balls back in those days (Blue Omega, Riptide, Tombstone) were supposed to be the next greatest ball, and they weren't going to be, no matter how long they were on the market, so Ebonite was right to come out with something to cover their messup with those.
But now, I feel that it hurts the pro shop to have to keep up with a large mid season launch. If I am correct, DV8 is coming out with 2 new balls (one color, one tweak of an older ball) and Big B is coming out with 2 (some hyphen max ball, and another Nexus). Pro shops don't feel confident buying in large amounts to get bulk discounts, because they know that 4 months later, that stock may be outdated.
August used to be an exciting time. You hear about new additions to the lineup of whatever company, and those mainly stuck around for the year, at least. Now, it's like the weather in Chicago. Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes. Only, in pro shops, it's "Don't like the line up? Wait 3 months."
I feel it's unfair to a potentially great product to get introduced in the middle of the year, because more than likely, it's going to get lost in the end of the year shuffle. 900 just came out with the Train, which I think is because either the Bank Roll didn't perform like they wanted it to, or it didn't sell like they wanted it to. From what I've heard and seen, going to be a great ball. Waiting to put holes in mine. Just makes me sad that I have to wonder if it's going to be around for the league bowler to try before it's marked down because the Bullet Train is right around the corner.
Traditionally, league bowlers buy at the beginning of the season. Then there are schmoes like us Ballreview yahoos who buy whenever we have the urge! The whole market isn't comprised of people like us. We're a niche group.
It makes me feel like I used to when I was in electronics sales. People would ask me "When is this computer going to be obsolete?" Well, technically, it was obsolete before it hit our shelves. But, it is only obsolete when it stops working for you! /sales guy pitch. Badly timed releases in the technology world are murderous. I feel the same way with bowling balls.
That's all. I just wanted to complain.
*Inventor of the FIBJAM*
The sky is falling
The end is near
The final warning
The sun disappears.
My arsenal