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Author Topic: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!  (Read 4916 times)


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Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« on: February 16, 2004, 02:42:23 AM »
Alright, heres the scoop!  I feel that Im in pretty good shape, I workout 5 days a week and try to stretch regularly.  However no matter what I do I get a tremendous pain through out the top of my sliding leg.  It gets so bad that I can barely walk.  It doesnt hurt when I workout, just when I bowl.  The more I bowl the worse it hurts!  The pain hurts from right above my knee all the way up my thigh.  Well this weekend I had a tournament and I was even starting to get a sharp pain in my shins as well.  I had bowled like 10 games this weekend in a tournament, and that was about the worst it has been!  If anyone can give me an idea as to what this could be it would be greatly appreciated!  Or if anyone has had this pain and been able to get rid of it and would let me know it would wonderful!  Thank you for taking the time to read this and any in put is helpful and greatly appreciated!


Old Coach

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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2004, 02:45:46 PM »
Oink, best to see a doctor and get an MRI on the lower back, L and S series of vertabrae.  I have had a problem with degeneration at L4, L5 (bulging disc that touches the nerve) and that flares the sciatic nerve that runs down your leg to your knee.  I hope this isn't your problem as I recently had a spinal block done and so far it is helping. Next fix would be surgery. Good luck


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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2004, 03:51:47 PM »
Somebody had mentioned the nerve thing to me this weekend, so when I went to my chiropractor he did a few things and said that if it was the sciatic nerve that I wouldnt have as much mobility in my leg without being in excruciating pain!  He said that I wouldnt be able to put my leg @ 90% with my body without just about passing out.  How true is this?  Im not to sure. Was this the case for you?  Thanks all for the input!

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2004, 03:59:23 PM »

When you say that it starts just above your knee and proceeds up into your upper leg, do you mean straight up from the knee, or do you mean on the outside of your leg like in the hip socket? The reason I ask is because I messed up my slide leg somehow this summer, and the more games I bowl I get symptoms very similar to what you're describing in my hip. I found out that I have bursitis in the hip joint and now I'm on anti-inflammatory pills to try to get the joint moving more freely. I don't know how I got this condition, but I know what you're going through, as it is very painful. If this is similar to what you're going through, you may want to see your doctor. Best of luck to you.

Gene J. Kanak
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?


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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2004, 04:12:58 PM »
Before the pain was pretty much nill when I only bowled once a week.  Well this past weekend I bowled in a tourney so I new I was going to be in pain.  Well, this is something thats happened if I bowled more then normal for the past couple of years.  Well I figured that since I didnt bowl that much, that maybe it was a muscle that I dont use that often.  So last week I was like Im going to try and work this thing out and I bowled everyday on my lunch hour at work.  Well come the weekend it was so bad that while I was bowling I could barely walk!  Now its not when Im up there throwing the ball its after when I walk away or go sit down.  Before the pain just seemed to go from the inside above my knee and up my thigh to the outside.  This is why I thought it was a muscle.  Well this weekend it got to the point that it was always hurting even when I would try and go to sleep, and it seems to consume most of my upper leg now and up to the side of the hip.  So needless to say I am lost!  Stretching doesnt work, but my chiropractor just seems to think that its cause my hips are to tight and just need to be stretched real good for a while!  However stretching doesnt ease the pain very much at all.  But the weird thing is that it doesnt bother me when I workout!

Old Coach

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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2004, 05:21:35 PM »
Ooink, I am not a Dr. but I could relieve my problem with my disc compression and the sciatic nerve by using the tread mill but NOT on the inclined position.  The neurosurgeon said this helps stretch the disc and relieves some compression on the nerve.  There is always disagreements between Dr. and Chiropractors.  I again would suggest a MRI and rule out the disc problem just to be on the safe side.  Eliminate one thing at a time until you find the real culprit.  Good luck, I know this isn't fun.


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Re: Pain in my Sliding Leg!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2004, 05:30:16 PM »
Yes, you are right!  I guess in someways I was hoping it would just work itself out!