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Author Topic: Drilling up different balls for arsenals  (Read 548 times)


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Drilling up different balls for arsenals
« on: July 07, 2006, 04:43:11 AM »
Hey all, just wondering...

When drilling up different balls for an arsenal, do you keep the same drill pattern on every ball?  I ask this because in a sense, you can make two different balls that are geared for different reactions do the same thing with different drill patterns and cover what do you guys do when drilling multiple balls for an arsenal?
Bowling Since March 2006

Storm Agent
Doom Raw Hammer
Average: 160-170

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Re: Drilling up different balls for arsenals
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2006, 03:17:06 PM »
This is a tough question in a way because there are many different theory's for this question.

I read an article in BTM that I thought was a good way to drill up an arsenal.  It's a 6 ball arsenal.  There are two sets of three balls.

SET 1 heavy, med and light oil balls with a power stacked layout(same layout)

SET 2 heavy, med and light oil balls all with a label layout(same layout)

The different type of ball will show the difference.

To me this makes the most sense.  This 6 balls arsenal gives you 3 balls that are very powerful for the certain amount of oil and the other 3 balls give you control.

This to me is a simple approach that I plan on doing.  The only thing that I would probably change is the dry lane ball.  How many real dry lane balls do you need to be powerful on the back end?  Who knows.


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Re: Drilling up different balls for arsenals
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2006, 03:20:54 PM »
Yeah that BTM article was a good read but it depends on what you want and are looking for, we went with a  4 by 4 layout on my Hybrid, pin up, on my agent we went 4 1/4 by 4 1/4 and my trifecta, well i'm not sure it isn't drilled yet, but its what you want out of it and in reality 6 balls is more of a want than a need, a typical league bowler only really needs three at the most Medium Heavy, Lighter Condition Ball, Spare, when you start to get to tournaments and sport patterns then the more balls play a role, but the whole deal with drilling depends on the ball it self and how you want it to react
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