Motiv Covert Revolt and the Sigma Sting. These 2 are great for what you're looking for.
The Covert Revolt handles medium-heavy oil really well and works well regardless if you like to play straighter (like myself) or if you like to crank it. The arc motion is very predictable and it does not quit in back. It's easily one of the hardest hitting and most continuous balls that I've seen in a while. If you're familiar with the Game Breaker/Game Breaker 2, the motion is very similar. Even though it has a lower RG symmetrical core (around 2.47), it retains energy very well and doesn't seem to die out. I use this a lot on longer patterns (43') with some heavier volume and it does exactly what it's supposed to do.
Then on medium patterns (38-40 ft or carrydown on longer patterns), I love using my Sigma Sting. It's also my benchmark ball. On carrydown or true medium patterns, it's very tough to beat the core/pearl cover combo that you find here. It's a great choice for playing straighter and I have also been successful opening up the lanes with it. The Sigma Sting is not overly angular, but gives a great combo of length and backend that is hard to beat. In fact, the ball is so good that I consider it one of the best balls ever made by any manufacturer and it allowed me to finally retire my Hy-Road.