Back many years ago, I was bowling in a tournament and just couldn't seem to find anything all day long. Over/under, corner pins, splits, you name it. After 6 games, I was pretty much out of it (I figured), but had two games remaining. On a whim, I grabbed my plastic spare ball and moved to the far left side of the approach (being a righty) and fired from the left corner, directly at the head pin. By this time, the lanes had drier up enough that I was able to get a couple boards movement out of my spare ball, resulting in the ball hitting high flush (on accurate shots) in the "other" pocket. I went from nothing to absolutely carrying the world... think I ended up going +110 or something for the last two games and made the final spot to cash by a few sticks. I never have tried it since then (out side of practice sessions with my spare ball), but believe me, I've been lost several times like that!
"The haddock hits me with a sucker punch. I catch him with a left hook.
He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck,
flat as a mackerel, kelpless."