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Author Topic: Parker  (Read 3332 times)


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« on: November 15, 2003, 11:23:58 AM »
I'm probably gonna get bashed for this, but I'm not necessarily a Parker fan.  Just about the only time you see him bowl well is when he either can play a breakpoint of around 5-8 or can throw it as hard as he wants.  I'm not saying he's not more versatile than most, I'm just saying that the rest of the pros seem to be a lot more skilled at adapting to all conditions.  Parker just seems like he has an "A" game and maybe part of a "B" game.  But when he's got his line, watch out.  There's a reason he's got nearly 30 titles, and even back when the PBA was basically a carry contest, he dominated, and it wasn't an accident.  

When they created the new sport-like conditions (tougher than a wall anyway), Parker disappeared for a little while.  I think his speed is more of a weakness than a strength.  I don't like watching him try to play inside and either blow completely through his breakpoint or miss inside and beak it.  Like I said, he's a better bowler than most, and has earned his success, but I don't particularly like watching him.  I suppose I fit in the category with people that don't like watching Robert Smith.  He revs the hell out of the ball, and Parker launches it.  But hey, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that NO ONE ever wants to see Eugene McCune again . .  But Parker, nicest guy you could hope to meet, I'd just like to see him work a little more on speed control.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow.  On one shot, he left a 9 pin.  Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."



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Re: Parker
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2003, 10:55:21 AM »
I forgot, when are you guys going on tour again?
Im as consistent as my ball reaction.

Edited on 11/16/2003 11:51 AM
If for every shot my cherry bomb carried a 7 pin id be rich..But im not..Whats that say?


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Re: Parker
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2003, 11:56:45 AM »
Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but so far this is about the most ignorant post I've seen on this forum in a long long time.

PB3 is TEXTBOOK! You should strive to have form as good as his. His power comes from his textbook form, not his size. A Swing smooth as silk, deep knee bend, perfect body positioning - it all equals LEVERAGE at the release point, giving him power that far exceeds the average bowler of his size.
Cut him some slack on the whiffed spares. The 7 pin was just a little off - it happens to all of us from time to time in non-pressure situations. I doubt most of us would have been as close under TV pressure. The whiffed 6 pin that followed was meaningless. The match was already over, and I think he was just mentally out of it after losing any chance of a come-back with the missed 7.
As for the ridiculous idea that somehow he's not deserving of his 29 Titles because the shot was easy when he won, that is laughable. Unless you can show me the roster, location, and lane pattern graphs of each tournament that he's won, then this statement falls under the category of biased conjecture. What a crock.
 As is the case with the vast majority of PBA victories for all players. Every week they are shoeing up against the finest bowlers in the world. It's a slim slim tiny margin that separates making the show and not. Very few players win using their B or C game. You might see them have to resort to it for a short period (a one game match or a short stretch during qualifying), but you aren't going to "GO - ALL - THE - WAY" throwing your B or C game against others who are playing their "A" game.
What would you rather hear? "The other guy's better than me, I'll have to get lucky to win today!" Or how about - "Gee - I'm not really this good, I hope I don't suck", or how about "I'm going to try my best - hopefully I can squeak through the first match but I'll probably lose the title match, but that's OK because second place is still a lot of money".
You have to be confident to win. Everyone on the show is GOOD. Success on the show is 95% MENTAL.
Now you guys have done it. I'm going to root for a lefty today, and I HATE WATCHING LEFTIES ON TV!


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Re: Parker
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2003, 12:41:05 PM »
Sorry Randy, it's just kinda noticeable.  2 or 3 titles every year until the PBA patterns, and he's barely made shows since the new patterns.  He's still made shows, but his performances have been just short of horrendous.  I USED to be a Parker fan, but I guess I'm just not that impressed anymore.  Of course he has nearly the best form of any pro.  But I can see now why he made the show, he was able to play out there with a breakpoint of 5.  His ball reaction wasn't so hot today, but I'm sorry, he can't play inside.  You must not have been paying much attention, Randy, I never said he didn't deserve them.  Whether it's a house shot or not, you've still gotta have a clue to dominate like he did.  Why's Robert Smith bowling better now?  You'd think he'd have dominated on the house patterns.  I'm making simple observations here, can you guys not see that?  

He blew through his breakpoint at least three times on the show today.  He beaked it at least twice.  I posted this last night, and it happened today.  If I was bashing him because I didn't like him, that'd be different.  Of course he's still better than most, but to keep up with the rest of the pros, he's gonna have to step it up.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow.  On one shot, he left a 9 pin.  Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."

Platinum Bowler

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Re: Parker
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2003, 01:01:26 PM »
I dont like Parker either, but Bohn is a great bowler. I mean come on, he is a hall of famer. And I believe he was player of the year when the PBA sport shots came out. I am just defending him, cause he is a great bowler, and I am not going to bash him. But I am not a fan of him at all.
Representing the 909( in July of '04, it will be the 951. How gay!), this was B-Car.

matt smith

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Re: Parker
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2003, 05:16:44 PM »

Ive seen the tape of parker throwing his 300, it was a while ago and my memory is a lil hazey, but it didnt look inside to me, just the regular down the boards parker. I think the guy is a great bowler, but as hammy said, just hasnt been cutting it on the sport condition. I hope he gets back up there, cause he has the most awesome shot, its great to watch.

good luck and high scoring
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/


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Re: Parker
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2003, 06:16:03 PM »
Sorry Randy, it's just kinda noticeable.  2 or 3 titles every year until the PBA patterns, and he's barely made shows since the new patterns.  He's still made shows, but his performances have been just short of horrendous.  I USED to be a Parker fan, but I guess I'm just not that impressed anymore.

Maybe I've had too much wine with dinner, but you sound like a little baby: he's not winning today, therefore I hate him. Wah, wah, waaaa!

Of course he has nearly the best form of any pro.  But I can see now why he made the show, he was able to play out there with a breakpoint of 5.  His ball reaction wasn't so hot today, but I'm sorry, he can't play inside.

I guess, as a child, you don't remember the 300 he threw on TV using a an Attitude III from a deep inside line. I guess he's just a washed up has-been, whose only makes TV shows because everyone else in the PBA ALLOWS him to win!

I'm making simple observations here, can you guys not see that?

No, you're not making simple observations. You are making severe and unwarranted criticisms.


He blew through his breakpoint at least three times on the show today.  He beaked it at least twice.  

Surprise! surprise! He's human; he CAN make a mistake. Well, Shezzam!


I posted this last night, and it happened today.  If I was bashing him because I didn't like him, that'd be different.

God forbid, if you didn't like someone, who knows what you'd say?


 Of course he's still better than most, but to keep up with the rest of the pros, he's gonna have to step it up.

Since he was 4th out of how many Pros entered this tournament, how many would you say he was better than, for just this week.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Parker
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2003, 10:46:19 PM »
parker bohn III did shoot a 300 game using the brunswick attitude III in the 1998 abc masters at the national bowling stadium in reno. he was swinging the ball---just barely. his shot was 13 to 9, maybe. still, fairly straight. not deep inside. nevertheless, he did shoot 300 on tv. i watched that match live and was thrilled to see it.

Edited on 11/16/2003 11:43 PM


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Re: Parker
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2003, 10:55:09 PM »
parker bohn III did shoot a 300 game using the brunswick attitude III in the 1998 abc masters at the national bowling stadium in reno. he was swinging the ball---just barely. his shot was 13 to 9, maybe. still, fairly straight. not deep inside. nevertheless, he did shoot 300 on tv. i watched that match live and was thrilled to see it.

Edited on 11/16/2003 11:43 PM

I thought it was slightly deeper than that.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Parker
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2003, 11:43:51 PM »
I agree with Randy O!!!  Every word.

This man can flat out bowl.  And absolutely looks great doing it.

I watch every time he is on it is so good!

Lefties as a rule don't play as deep as righties(about 1 arrow in general) due to existing lane conditions.

Parker did have an injury last year.

The conditions have not been favorable to lefties in qualifying for almost two years and this was referenced by a "rightie" Randy Pederson today on the show.

And what is dramatically different about the lines played and shots thrown of Patrick Allen and Parker?  Both bowlers actual ball paths look great on the lanes and are played on very similar areas of the lane, both include speed backend and power when playing at their best.

Parker just looks as good as anyone doing it and always has.



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Parker
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2003, 02:19:34 AM »
Again, people take what I say and run with it.  When you don't see someone for a while, you kinda find new people to watch.  I liked watching Ricky Ward, but it's been a while, so he's kinda faded into the background.  It's that kinda thing with Parker.  And define deep inside line for a lefty, he wasn't any deeper than 3rd arrow (for the 300), and that's not deep.  I meant that for him to WIN he's going to have to step it up.  The last couple times he's made the show, he's been playing his preferred line, but hasn't executed well at all.  As far as winning with a "B" or "C" game, check out Danny Wiseman.  There was a show last year he was playing 5th arrow and not letting it get any further right than 12 or 13.  I believe that was the week that Voss struck out to beat him, but Danny came right back and won the next week.  Today he was playing closer to 2nd arrow out to about 7.  He didn't win today, but he plays a different area of the lane nearly every time he's on the show.  

Yes, Parker's human, and can make mistakes, and he did.  We all know he's one of the best bowlers in the world, and very few, if any of us have been able to see him bowl during the week.  He hasn't been looking great on tv at all, point and case.  Of course he has to have bowled great during the week to make the show, but you sure can't see it when the tv cameras start running.  A lot of you dog on Scroggins, but he made 3 straight shows, and of course the negative comments start rolling in.  I watched him bowl all weekend in KC, and he was bowling VERY well, he just never was able to come through when it was showtime.  So if it's not the conditions, why is he not winning?  Walter had a career year last year.  Duke is still winning, Voss is still winning.  Some of the older guys have slowly faded away, but the true greats are staying on top.  I've never been too impressed with Walter's game, but the man hits boards and hits the pocket with seeming ease, and that's the point.  Parker may have that perfect form, but the pins don't discriminate.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow.  On one shot, he left a 9 pin.  Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."


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Re: Parker
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2003, 01:56:18 PM »
3rd arrowd for a lefty, we don't get much deeper than that except in a long practice session.

That's just the way the oil pattern and the lanes are.
3rd arrow on the left = similar hand as to a righty playing 4th to 5th arrow.


PS how many times have you seen Jason Couch(big hand) deeper than 3rd arrow?
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Urethane Game

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Re: Parker
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2003, 02:01:36 PM »
I have a tape of the US Open that Mike Aulby won playing fallback with a Black U-Dot from 4th arrow.  

If Parker can play his A game, he is hard to beat. For my money though, Mike Aulby is far more versatile than Parker.


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Re: Parker
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2003, 02:04:34 PM »
I forgot, when are you guys going on tour again?

So we can't comment on pro sports if we aren't professional players? So does that mean I can't talk about Shaq bricking free throws, since I'm a basketball fan here in LA?
Representin the revless


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Re: Parker
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2003, 02:08:50 PM »
I forgot, when are you guys going on tour again?

So we can't comment on pro sports if we aren't professional players? So does that mean I can't talk about Shaq bricking free throws, since I'm a basketball fan here in LA?
Representin the revless

Does anyone remember Wilt Chamberlin desperately trying to make free throws?
I think his field goal percentage was hgiher than his free throw percenatge throughout his career. If not better, then certainly much closer than it should have been.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."