I agree, people do NOT research what ball, for them, is best. I've see people who did no research, just took what others said and went with that. I'll look at someone's delivery, the ball reaction ( here we only have one house) and when they ask, i'll try to suggest 2-4 balls that will fit, in my opinion. BUT...I always show and explain that each ball will not do the same with each bowler.
We have some in the league that feel they are pro material, HAVE to have the biggest hook, highest score, most balls in the house, you get the picture, and when one is not working for them, it's the lanes, or the people 3 lanes over who just went nuts when one of the guys made a tough spare, always something to blame for the wrong ball on that condition.
We do have one guy, he'll pull out his White Dot in a second, if nothing else works for him, that night and he's good enough to have a pretty good night, he is the exception. I think most people want to look like the "pros" and then wonder why the game is not there on a given night. Not everyone needs, or can handle , a huge hook ( i know I can't), so live within your game. Try other things, but play within yourself and don't try to be a Walter Ray, or anyone else but themselves.
My 2 cents are up.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro