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Author Topic: Particle balls....why so many of them?  (Read 1223 times)


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Particle balls....why so many of them?
« on: February 22, 2006, 11:32:09 AM »
I understand Particles have their uses but, why does it seem that half the balls out there are particle balls? Some brands it seems like 75% of their line up is particle. I personally hate particle balls with the exception of a FEW and on a FEW conditions. Why so many? Do people like them that much or do I generally do not like them??



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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 10:01:28 PM »
Why so many?  Simple answer, that's what sells best.  Now, why do people buy them?  I'll have to let someone else answer that one.  --  JohnP


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 10:02:59 PM »
Actully, there is too many balls in general since 1995.


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 11:01:12 PM »
I agree, in general I don't like them either but they do work on some conditions and you should make room for one in your arsenal that being said to me the drawback is dull particle balls seem to require more maintenance then dull reactive balls, and I don't care for the pearl particles either I've tried a few and did not match up well with them. As with everything it's a matter of chioce thats the 50/50 part. I do agree that there are way too many balls to choose from today and it can be very confusing on what to choose. Can you imagine a test day at your local house so every one could try out a ball like some golf courses do with clubs. There would not be enough room for the people with all the balls and spans needed to fit everyone.


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2006, 07:55:14 AM »

I understand Particles have their uses ...

Mostly because particle balls are not what you think they are, any longer. They are not just dull balls in a solid resin base for when there's too much oil for a solid resin ball. That idea was obsolete about 5 years ago. Particle balls have any and every use that you can possible think of for a ball. You can use particle balls for anything from light oil to super heavy floods.

The idea that a ball has particles is not one you should fixate on. You want to buy a ball reaction, NOT a ball. That is true now; it was true in 1975; it will always be true.

I'd bet you're still thinking, "I need a heavy oil ball; therefore I'll look only for particle balls."

I'd bet you're also thinking, "This is a particle ball, but I need a ball for medium oil. Therefore I will not consider this ball."

Both are prejudices and are inappropriate. They stifle your mind and prevent you from getting a ball that may be very good for you.
One buys a BALL REACTION, not a ball.

May I respectfully, BUT very strongly suggest that when you are in the market for a new ball you look at what a ball is designed to do, see what tests by professionals, ballreviews people and locals indicate the ball is good for, then compare that information to what you need. Disregard core, disregard coverstock unless you're a driller.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

Edited on 2/23/2006 8:46 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2006, 08:47:58 AM »

Mostly because particle balls are not what you think they are, any longer. They are not just dull balls in a solid resin base for when there's too much oil for a solid resin ball. That idea was obsolete about 5 years ago. Particle balls have any and every use that you can possible think of for a ball. You can use particle balls for anything from light oil to super heavy floods.

The idea that a ball has particles is not one you should fixate on. You want to buy a ball reaction, NOT a ball. That is true now; it was true in 1975; it will always be true.

I'd bet you're still thinking, "I need a heavy oil ball; therefore I'll look only for particle balls."

I'd bet you're also thinking, "This is a particle ball, but I need a ball for medium oil. Therefore I will not consider this ball."

Both are prejudices and are inappropriate. They stifle your mind and prevent you from getting a ball that may be very good for you.
One buys a BALL REACTION, not a ball.

May I respectfully, BUT very strongly suggest that when you are in the market for a new ball you look at what a ball is designed to do, see what tests by professionals, ballreviews people and locals indicate the ball is good for, then compare that information to what you need. Disregard core, disregard coverstock unless you're a driller.

Great post charlest!


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2006, 09:07:09 AM »
Wow charlest, well put. Thats all i can say for everything has been said...

O yeah, one thing,

why do people buy partical balls? ITs because they work, because they can, and because they work :-)

"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: Particle balls....why so many of them?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2006, 09:16:57 AM »
Particle mixed balls are currently experiencing a Renaissance in advertising and marketing by the ball manufacturers.  The ball manufacturers have opened their eyes to the possibility of more control for the bowler when mixed with the other types of coverstocks (pearl, solid, etc).  Why is this?  Probably the need for more arc control (not storing so much energy) and less anglur flip for tougher conditions (ie sport conditions, perceived dryer lanes, spotty and carry down conditions).  

Like Charlest stated "One buys a BALL REACTION, not a ball".  I think some bowlers are starting to get this, and warming up to the particle technology as being a viable option for a more controlled reaction. Is this always the case with particles, NO, many different varieties of this animal.  Including varing substances and degrees (ie light, medium and heavy based particles).

Information is better than it has ever been on bowling balls, many reviewers, bowling experts, and caring ball manufacturers to match your game to a reaction that you want to play or the lane condition dictates.  

Is there hype?  and snake oil? of course.  But if one spends the time to research the reaction that one is seeking, definitely the bowler will be rewarded with higher scores by more choices and help to adjust to the ever changing conditions.  

The ball reaction is a Macro principle these days, it will make the bowlers job easier added with Micro hand and finger adjustments the bowler has a higher probability of being in control of his destiny (yes, of course, elite par bowlers can adjust wrist, hand, finger positions for a wide array of reactions).  I'm warming up to particle mixed balls - they just might be the future? Still researching these newer offerings.
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics?(in transition  purchased by Columbia Industries)]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

I wear the Brunswick Crown, the Storm is brewing at my feet, my heart belongs to Roto Grip and Dyno just might be my thane!
KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 2/23/2006 10:21 AM