Let's see if I can put this down and have it make sense.
One of the main problems is the increase in productivity of the manufacturers. They are able to produce more in a shorter amount of time.
The manufacturers have a lot of money invested in equipment. They don't make any money when the equipment is sitting there idle.
I've only been bowling since 2004, but I've heard that equipment is now much cheaper than it used to be. As the companies are able to produce more efficiently, they have passed on the savings.
The companies don't make money by building a product and letting it sit in a warehouse. Higher quantities at lower prices - you make money by moving volume.
You can try to blame the online shops for "killing" retail pro shops, but they are able to purchase the large quantities that the manufacturers are producing. Even if they are not buying directly from the manufacturers, they are getting them from the distributors. The distributors have a lot of money invested in inventory.
The bowling population is finicky and want to see new products - ever read the forums here and see all the "so, what's next" threads? They usually start popping up about 2 months after all the new releases.
So, you could even go so far as to say that WE are the reason for all of this. Stop buying all the new stuff and maybe they'll stop making it. Really, can you blame some of them for manipulating oil absorption (and coverstock longevity) so that balls die and we have to buy more?
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