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Author Topic: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION  (Read 2682 times)


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« on: May 14, 2009, 04:10:17 AM »
1. We bowled 36 weeks - 4qtrs of 9 weeks. With 4 different quarter winners. So there was a bowl off for final positions of 1-4. They bowed 3 games.

2. The rest of the league bowled sweeper night... of only 2 games (???).

3. On the 35th Week it was announced that everyone owed an additional $20 for sweeper night prize fund as the house was "giving" us the lineage.

4. Everyone has to wait until 1-4 is determined.

5. Everyone has to wait through a league meeting to elect officers for next year.

6. Everyone has to declare if they are returning next year and who the contact was.

7. Finally they pay out - close to 10pm.

8. The secretary was paid, $1620 out of the prize fund. (.25 x 180 x 36). The house uses build in software to do the recap, the house does the banking. The secretary basically counts the money, turns into the desk, keeps up with the envelops (unless it is included in the house software), and turns in award scores (which they got wrong once for me on my 2nd 300 and gave it to my son). So does this sound fair?

We happen to bowl unopposed for our 2 game sweeper and are done in 1 hour or about 7:30. Teams 1 - bowl until about 9:30. So we are waiting 2 hours. Then we are called to the desk and have to go through the meeting for assigning new officers ( and who cares at this point... 90% of the league has been standing around waiting for at least an hour) so someone says "keep it the same" and everone seconds... that took all of 5 minutes... then comes 30 minutes of calling out team names and asking "are you returning next year?" and "who is your team contact and phone number" for 38 teams. Now come on!!!

Next thing, the prize money. ~$21 per point (which includes the 50/50 every week... or so they said.) We paid 20 perweek and got back 356 per person. 38 team and only ~$21 per point??? There was 100 for high average... nothing for anything else... nothing for high series, high game, nothing for team finishings... thats it. And the sweaper paid, 1st and 2nd for Team High Game and Series. Thats it. We won 200 for 2nd Team High game ($40 per person) and we shot 1200 scratch. (Of course during the year we shot 1316 and got nothing for it and shot 3658 scratch and got nothing for it either).

Does any of this seem crazy to anyone else? Or am I seeing things wrong here? I would have much rather paid $12 per night instead of 20 and not got back money because I would have bowled a second league and the house would have made more.

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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 12:21:03 PM »
A lot of things to not like there.  No way should you have next year's meeting preceding the prize fund distribution.  Way too much time for every one to wait around.  Too much for the secretary since much of their duties are handled by the house and computer.  League meetings are the biggest waste of time in the universe.  90% of the time nothing changes, but people show up late and want to argue about how things were done in some league they bowled in 20 years ago.  They usually won't bring up an idea to be voted on, and if they do and it doesn't pass, they whine and pout the rest of the meeting.  The same few loud mouths talk the whole time so people can't hear what little relevant info there is, so everything gets repeated several times.  League meetings should never take more than 10 minutes, ever.
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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 12:31:00 PM »
You should have had your last week of bowling and THEN the following week you have your meeting. Saves from waiting around on people to finish bowling. thats how our league does it anyway. Has been working great. You have your last week of bowling, following week have your roll-offs then the next week have your payout and discussion of that seasons issues and a few ideas for next season. You should then have a fall meeting (captains and officers only) to discuss by-laws and other problems that may have occured the previous season for the upcoming season.

Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team

Edited on 5/14/2009 12:34 PM

Jesse James

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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2009, 12:35:04 PM »
Yeah.....does sound a little bit crazy, but that is why YOU must get involved with your league!

In most of my leagues, the survey for whether or not you are returning next year is done 2 weeks before the end of the season. A simple survey sheet is passed out to all the team captains to sign-off on. They conduct the survey of each of their respective teams, and then submit the surveys at the end of that particular nite.

As regards the payouts, I always make sure that I submit a proposed payout sheet to the Secretary/ Vice President, or whomever is requesting one at the beginning of the season. That way I know for sure, a reasonable payout proposal has been presented to our league for consideration before we really get into the season, good. This thwarts any subsequent frustration, like you obviously have now, that a good proposal was never deliberated on.

Now if your league still votes against your proposal.........well there is nothing you can do about that!

I don't really understand the need for people to pay an additional $20. That should have all been taken care of ahead of time. In fact in all of my leagues, we run the 50/50, exclusively so that it can take care of any minor shortfalls that may come about. If there are no shortfalls, then each team is paid the remaining monies as a bonus, in another envelope!

You might want to get into the ears of a couple of your league execs, to smooth out the running of your operations! Just my 2 cents.

Like Nattyboh above said, our payouts are all done on subsequent weeks following the last nite of bowling. Never is it done on the same nite!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.

Edited on 5/14/2009 12:39 PM

Edited on 5/14/2009 3:12 PM
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2009, 01:19:27 PM »
We always paid the teams that did not make the playoffs first.  They could always leave if they wanted afterward.  Some people stay around for sweeper and crossover doubles payouts.  We always elected officers the next season.



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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2009, 01:27:00 PM »
Thanks for making me not feel crazy. I agree... the funny thing is three week prior the secretaries assistant walked around to every team and asked if they were coming back. Then they do it again last night.

I forgot to mention that the same secretary runs the brackets and makes probably another 100 per week x 36 weeks there. I dont know... it sounds like a racket to me...

1. He is paid as an employee.
2. He is secretary and does little and makes 1600
3. He runs the brackets and makes another 3600 easy.

So this guy pays $720 (36weeks x $20per week) like everyone else and walks away with $5200 and still gets a prize fund payout. Not to mention he is one of the better bowlers and probably makes money every week in the brackets himself. It smells of a "racket" to me endorsed and sponsered by the house. Especially when you consider how the election of officers was conducted.

My final comment is that there is no Sgt. of Arms. There is no one to enforce any of the rules the league has established. There is a meeting in August before the league starts and I will be there. I agree with JesseJames here, I will get involved and try to make the league better without attempting to incite a riot. But the status quo is simply not acceptable.
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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2009, 01:44:14 PM »
First of all just be glad you got your prize money.. I bowled a league where the secretary stole the money and we don't get any money now. We aren't covered by USBC due to the fact there wasn't an audit done every month like they say you must do! Therefore we get nothing and the secretary probably is going to jail.

Second of all that is why you have a meeting to elect officers and to make changes. If you think the secretary gets paid to much, bring it up during the meeting and vote to change the fee. The fee is not set and can be changed at any point in time!!

Third of all most leagues here in Vegas pay the bowlers before sweepers start that night, you bowl the sweeper, then sweeper and individual money is given to you at the end. This way you stay for the whole thing. Because you do have to select officers for the following years league!

Forth of all there should of been a prize fund voted on by every team. Therefore you knew what you were getting back, if you didn't that is your bad for not paying attention. It shouldn't of been a surprise as to how much was coming back. Nor the fact that there was no individual awards!

Fifth of all normally most 6pm leagues get down about 815-830, so you sat around an extra hour and a half. Really is your life that crazy that sitting around for a little extra time to get back money is that big of a deal?!
George Palumbo


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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2009, 01:46:31 PM »
Simple fix - become an officer

If you don't like the prize fund get on the prize fund committee.

If you think the secretary gets paid too much show up to the organizational meeting...

You can only complain if you have done something to fix the process.  IF you know there are others get your point across before the organizational meeting next year and get through the things you want changed...

You have a choice - do something about it or get over it...

Sorry - I am a league secretary and I have heard every complaint, but no one wants to step up and do anything about it...

Kurwin Forest
Surprise, Arizona


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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2009, 02:34:18 PM »
Mvpbowler, Here in memphis, no league in town gets down prior to 9:30pm with a 6:30 start. NONE!!! I hate it.

Sorry to hear about your league prize fund. Had the same thing happen here in town a couple years ago... but the secretary ended up paying it back and the guy was accepted back into USBC but never to hold office again. (Apparently there was compassion for his situation, because he became an alcoholic during the season after his wife dead of a heart attack and spent the league money entering brackets and gambled at the casino's to spend his time).

And I agree, I will get involved. I have been in bowling for 40 years but have never seen what appears to be such a flagrant advantage. So many people in the audiance were complaining and yet no one said anything during the vote for office.
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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2009, 02:38:40 PM »
I am in the same league with mvpbowler probably getting nothing back, but I did get handed the league as the new secretary and will not run a league as crappy as your league is run.

I want an audit committee watching me monthly, so nothing comes up like getting over 9k-10k of our league money stolen.

First of all just be glad you got your prize money.. I bowled a league where the secretary stole the money and we don't get any money now. We aren't covered by USBC due to the fact there wasn't an audit done every month like they say you must do! Therefore we get nothing and the secretary probably is going to jail.

Second of all that is why you have a meeting to elect officers and to make changes. If you think the secretary gets paid to much, bring it up during the meeting and vote to change the fee. The fee is not set and can be changed at any point in time!!

Third of all most leagues here in Vegas pay the bowlers before sweepers start that night, you bowl the sweeper, then sweeper and individual money is given to you at the end. This way you stay for the whole thing. Because you do have to select officers for the following years league!

Forth of all there should of been a prize fund voted on by every team. Therefore you knew what you were getting back, if you didn't that is your bad for not paying attention. It shouldn't of been a surprise as to how much was coming back. Nor the fact that there was no individual awards!

Fifth of all normally most 6pm leagues get down about 815-830, so you sat around an extra hour and a half. Really is your life that crazy that sitting around for a little extra time to get back money is that big of a deal?!
George Palumbo


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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2009, 03:06:10 PM »
I've never heard of a secretary getting paid for his work in the league. I've bowled in several leagues in different associations, and the secretary just gets free bowling + whatever cash prizes their team wins. The amount that secretary is taking home is way, way out of place in my eyes. Especially since the center itself takes over a lot of the traditional secretary tasks. Add that to all that went on at the end of your league season no surprise your upset - I would be pissed myself.

Edited on 5/14/2009 3:07 PM


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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2009, 04:19:30 PM »
Fuel, every league I have ever bowled in or heard of the secretary gets paid to do the work. Standard rate is 75 cents, per bowler, per night. Sometimes it is more, sometimes less. But I have never heard of a secretary not getting paid to do the work!
George Palumbo

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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2009, 04:43:07 PM »
Yeah all my leagues here the league sect. gets 1.00 per bowler per week which is fair.

But the money your league sect is rakeing in pinchaser sounds like a freaking racket.
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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2009, 04:52:42 PM »
Yeah all my leagues here the league sect. gets 1.00 per bowler per week

if any of our secratarys around here tried to ask for that they would get thrown out on the street lol.
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Re: Pay Out Night - RANT - FRUSTRATION
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2009, 04:58:52 PM »
Thanks for making me not feel crazy. I agree... the funny thing is three week prior the secretaries assistant walked around to every team and asked if they were coming back. Then they do it again last night.

I forgot to mention that the same secretary runs the brackets and makes probably another 100 per week x 36 weeks there. I dont know... it sounds like a racket to me...

1. He is paid as an employee.
2. He is secretary and does little and makes 1600
3. He runs the brackets and makes another 3600 easy.

So this guy pays $720 (36weeks x $20per week) like everyone else and walks away with $5200 and still gets a prize fund payout. Not to mention he is one of the better bowlers and probably makes money every week in the brackets himself. It smells of a "racket" to me endorsed and sponsered by the house. Especially when you consider how the election of officers was conducted.

My final comment is that there is no Sgt. of Arms. There is no one to enforce any of the rules the league has established. There is a meeting in August before the league starts and I will be there. I agree with JesseJames here, I will get involved and try to make the league better without attempting to incite a riot. But the status quo is simply not acceptable.

$.25 per bowler per night is actually pretty cheap.  Most leagues around here get $.75 or $1.
The brackets are totally separate so don't be mad at that.  There is a good amount of work going into it, and it happens at every league or tournament.

If you have an issue with the prize fund it should have been discussed prior to the payout.  They did provide you with a copy of the prize fund right?

You also don't mention what the lineage is for the league either.  That might be where a lot of your money goes.
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Edited on 5/14/2009 5:23 PM