1. We bowled 36 weeks - 4qtrs of 9 weeks. With 4 different quarter winners. So there was a bowl off for final positions of 1-4. They bowed 3 games.
2. The rest of the league bowled sweeper night... of only 2 games (

3. On the 35th Week it was announced that everyone owed an additional $20 for sweeper night prize fund as the house was "giving" us the lineage.
4. Everyone has to wait until 1-4 is determined.
5. Everyone has to wait through a league meeting to elect officers for next year.
6. Everyone has to declare if they are returning next year and who the contact was.
7. Finally they pay out - close to 10pm.
8. The secretary was paid, $1620 out of the prize fund. (.25 x 180 x 36). The house uses build in software to do the recap, the house does the banking. The secretary basically counts the money, turns into the desk, keeps up with the envelops (unless it is included in the house software), and turns in award scores (which they got wrong once for me on my 2nd 300 and gave it to my son). So does this sound fair?
We happen to bowl unopposed for our 2 game sweeper and are done in 1 hour or about 7:30. Teams 1 - bowl until about 9:30. So we are waiting 2 hours. Then we are called to the desk and have to go through the meeting for assigning new officers ( and who cares at this point... 90% of the league has been standing around waiting for at least an hour) so someone says "keep it the same" and everone seconds... that took all of 5 minutes... then comes 30 minutes of calling out team names and asking "are you returning next year?" and "who is your team contact and phone number" for 38 teams. Now come on!!!
Next thing, the prize money. ~$21 per point (which includes the 50/50 every week... or so they said.) We paid 20 perweek and got back 356 per person. 38 team and only ~$21 per point??? There was 100 for high average... nothing for anything else... nothing for high series, high game, nothing for team finishings... thats it. And the sweaper paid, 1st and 2nd for Team High Game and Series. Thats it. We won 200 for 2nd Team High game ($40 per person) and we shot 1200 scratch. (Of course during the year we shot 1316 and got nothing for it and shot 3658 scratch and got nothing for it either).
Does any of this seem crazy to anyone else? Or am I seeing things wrong here? I would have much rather paid $12 per night instead of 20 and not got back money because I would have bowled a second league and the house would have made more.