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Author Topic: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read  (Read 3816 times)


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Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« on: December 08, 2008, 08:35:04 AM »
Sold a brand new ball to a buyer on ebay.

Buyer files a claim with paypal stating that he rec a perfect ball and everything was fine. Then he got it drilled and threw it on the lanes and it came back cracked into "50 pieces". Now of course the lane guy says it has to be a ball defect, and his pro shop guy backs him up. So buyer gets a new ball drilled up and doesnt save the "50" piece ball, and now wants to send his newly drilled ball back to me. So here is the good part paypal actually sided with him and they took the money out of my account to give him a refund, and It will come out after I rec this new ball he had drilled.

Have you ever heard of anything so unreal, and what if anything can I do to report this or paypal.

Sellers that use paypal beware if this is what they are going to do to us, I thought you other sellers should know.

Edited on 12/8/2008 5:50 PM



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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 04:45:08 PM »
Buyer first states he received ball in good condition.  

Then, he doesn't have the ball that broke into 50 pieces.  

Hmmm, what happened to it?  Did it vanish?  

Unbelievable that Paypal sided with this buyer.  Their policy is not seller-friendly, that's for sure.  

Sorry to hear about your mess. Doesn't sound as if Paypal is going to do the right thing by you.


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 04:46:08 PM »
Yea Paypal has gotten bad over the years.. Last year sometime I sold an item on there, not bowling related. Sent it out, had a tracking number and all. Tracking number showed that they recieved it and it was delievered with no problems. The person said they never recieved it. It had the initials and all of someone taking it in. Paypal finally after about 2 months of having money on hold in my account released it back to me and sided with me
George Palumbo
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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2008, 04:55:09 PM »
sounds like its same ball for a tryout
I will keep ser# on file if I sell one now.


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2008, 06:59:08 PM »
paypal sucks and i avoid it at all costs.

had a nvidia 8800gtx when it was the best card out and used it for 3 months straight not a darn problem with it and packed it REAL good. the buyer claimed it green screened everytime and it was my fault. so they took 500 out of my account.

eventually they sided with me but it was amazing how this guy kept pushing it and if he just worded things differently he could have got his money....

I knew it was BS when I offered to take the "broken card" and return all his money. all of a sudden he stopped responding.
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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2008, 09:59:00 PM »
WE sold a stereo component that worked great when it left here. Unfortunately, we didn't have pic of the serial #. Buyer got it, said it didn't work. Paypal took the money out of our account, told us to prove it worked before it left. The guy sent "it" back (I'm sure it was a defective one - not the original) - never again will we sell anything like that without a serial number.
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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2008, 10:25:45 PM »
if you "cash out" your paypal acct after every transaction, will paypal go after your bank acct?
Come AMF/900 or don't come at all!!

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2008, 10:44:50 PM »
if you "cash out" your paypal acct after every transaction, will paypal go after your bank acct?
Come AMF/900 or don't come at all!!

No, legally they can not do this.  What they can and will do is put your account into negatives, and send it to collections if you don't make it right.

I had that happen to me once.  Guy claims he never got a ball I sent out.  I unfortunately fell for the "eBay auctions are a pending legal agreement" thing and stated, pay for insurance, or it won't be insured, and I got fudged.

The messed up part, after emailing with this guy back and forth and he saying it never came, he sent me some pictures and oh my look there is my ball in the pics.  "Oh yea I uh picked up another one."  Riiiiiiight.  So anyways I was out a ball and the money.....thanks Pay PAL!

Moral of the story, insure and track every single package you send out if someone pays by PayPal, if you don't, and the person wants their money back and the item, well you're screwed.

I even asked the operator when I called, so what you're telling me is if I were to buy something from eBay and the person sent it without tracking I could claim I never got it then I would get the item for free?  Her answer, yes, if you wanted to be dishonest.  Unreal
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Edited on 12/8/2008 11:47 PM


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2008, 11:03:19 PM »
I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.

Joe Jr

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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2008, 11:12:18 PM »
Yep, had something just like happen to me awhile back.
My Vid
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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2008, 12:17:44 PM »
These stories are why I stopped using Ebay and PayPal over 2 years ago. I just don't have confidence in their services anymore.


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2008, 12:58:06 PM »
Thank you to the original poster and others for sharing their stories. It makes one think twice about doing business with PayPal from a seller's perspective.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson - "Better than Jello" - Kill the back row


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2008, 01:01:47 PM »
This kind of garbage is exactly why I don't use Paypal. I don't have any suggestions for you, but good luck.
What the Deuce?!!


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2008, 01:04:45 PM »
PAYPAL has the world by the balls. I still use them only becasue it's conveinient for me, but I do not agree with their practices!


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Re: Paypal Unheard of and Unreal Must read
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2008, 01:52:36 PM »
WE sold a stereo component that worked great when it left here. Unfortunately, we didn't have pic of the serial #. Buyer got it, said it didn't work. Paypal took the money out of our account, told us to prove it worked before it left. The guy sent "it" back (I'm sure it was a defective one - not the original) - never again will we sell anything like that without a serial number.

I had a buyer try to pull something like that on me once.  I sold a hard drive that was basically new but had been unboxed (I tested it and determined that it was fully functional).  Luckily I decided to record the serial # down but it was also discernible in the picture that I had included with the listing.  The buyer contacted me the day it arrived and claimed that it didn't work and his computer wouldn't recognize it.  After troubleshooting with him through a couple of e-mails I said send the device back to me and I'll issue a full refund.  A week later I get a hard drive in the mail from the buyer that was different than what I sent him.  It was the same make and model but the serial # was different.  It was also dusty and you can tell that it had been in and out of a computer before.  I contacted him and asked if he was sure that he sent the right h/d back and he assured me that's what I sent him.  Then I proceeded to point out the difference in serial #'s and told him that I couldn't issue a refund due to the difference.  His response was basically "fine, I'll get my money back through paypal" and he proceeded to file a complaint with them.  My account / funds were put on hold but eventually they sided with me after seeing what he was up to.  To this day I still can't get over the fact that the original serial number was staring him in the face on the listing page and he still tried to do something like that.