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Author Topic: Pearl & Solid Balls  (Read 1193 times)


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Pearl & Solid Balls
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:37:15 AM »
  My very generic question is this:  In summary, when should a solid ball vs. a pearl ball be used concerning lane conditions?  Also, are some players games and shots more suited toward a solid or pearl and why?  I'm coming back to bowling after a 10 year hiatus and have been throwing mid-level balls but am wanting to step up and get a high grade piece. 



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Re: Pearl & Solid Balls
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2011, 01:47:38 PM »

When it all comes down to it, pearl balls have a higher surface roughness than solid balls from the mica additive, thats it.

Pearls "appear" to be more skid/snappy because most manufacturers polish pearls for shelf appeal." alt="" /> 


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Re: Pearl & Solid Balls
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 07:34:52 PM »
Pearls tend to clear the heads a little better and then are more angular in the back end.  Solids tend to check up and are more rolly midlane.  Again it all depends on the surface that you keep them at.  You take a pearl and bring it to 2000 with no shine, it's going to read earlier than a pearl at 4000 with shine.  If you did the same with the solid, the solid would tend to get into its roll earlier.  I tend to lean more toward pearl covers.  Solids are oil suckers and a pain in the butt to keep fresh.

Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1-Anarchy #2- Virtual Energy  #3- Virtual Gravity #4- Gravity Shift #5- Big Hit (spare and really dry)
#6- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie)