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Author Topic: PBA East Regional in York  (Read 1054 times)


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PBA East Regional in York
« on: August 08, 2004, 05:28:19 PM »
Don't know if anyone else made it there, but I went to watch a little of B squad on Saturday -- got to see a few of the big names on tour:  Robert Smith, Ryan Shafer, Patrick Allen, Danny Wiseman, Brian LeClair, David Ozio, Tim Criss...Really too cool, especially for my first time at a tournament!!  I really can't give any equipment info -- the center was just too d*mn dark to see those details -- although Robert Smith did say the Triple Xtreme was "a little too mild" for him.  The lanes were set up with Pattern A and the scoring wasn't has high as I thought it might be.  Most hovering around the 200 mark with quite a few below and not too many big games that I could see.  Ryan Shafer threw up a 260-something while I was there and a Jon Carter had a front 8 or 9 going....Robert Smith is just unreal!!  Even more impressive live -- you just cannot believe the revs he puts on a ball and the way he goes after spares -- unbelievable!!  He picked up a 1-10 in the first game throwing straight at the 1 at about 200mph!!!  He was having a hard time finding a line at first, but he got it together enough to finish 7th.  I can tell you that Danny Wiseman was throwing Morich but I'm not sure which ones....

The thing I was really noticing was that the Tour guys just seem to make everything....anytime they don't strike, you just expect them to pick it up.  Not so with the regional pros and non-members -- it was a little dicey for those guys.  The Tour guys also have about a half a board area they seemed to be hitting where the other guys were all over the place, relatively speaking.  They didn't miss by 5-10 boards like I do sometimes, but they were definitely less accurate.  Overall, it was a great experience....If you've never gone, GO!!  If you have, share a little, if you like.....We were just lucky to get some of the big names because Bowler's Supply was having a trade show and those guys came out for the show...



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Re: PBA East Regional in York
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2004, 10:59:53 AM »
Ozio, Criss,Smith, Wiseman all made it to Towson also.
There was also a couple Team USA Players at Towson.
The pros must've been busy, Tim Criss was also in ALlentown doig an exhibition on Wed.

I wish my son had made the regional shoot out for non-members. But he got back more at Towson then he would have at the regioanl.

Watching pro's is awesome.

When we went to Seaford, Del for regionals with my son around Christmas, what impressed me is the way it is run! The Lane Curtesy rules, no gambling, not being allowed to discuss lane conditions.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
Have mouth will travel!!!


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Re: PBA East Regional in York
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2004, 12:20:31 PM »
What's cool is watching them do trick shots.
2 years ago at a coaching school.

Parker had a guy site on a chair in front of the pins and threw a strike.

He had them put 40 pins up at once, that was different.

I never saw anyone trick shoot bowling on purpose.

But I love watching any of them. Some thinks it's a bummer the bigger names are going to show up in regioanls, those guy have bad days too. To me that is bumping up the bar at regionals, and makes it more interesting for locals to go to the regionals.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
Have mouth will travel!!!


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Re: PBA East Regional in York
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 03:21:42 PM »
Except for there is no autograph signing in PBA competition once the bowling begins!

a little fyi for
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick


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Re: PBA East Regional in York
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2004, 11:25:16 PM »
Only while you are actualy bowling. It'a OK to sign autographs before and after the squad.

Edited on 8/13/2004 11:19 PM