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Author Topic: PBA Experience League  (Read 1320 times)


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PBA Experience League
« on: June 02, 2009, 03:53:02 AM »
Sup people! Wanted you guys to know that the opening day of our PBA League was a success! Out of 40 lanes, we got 17 thru 40! WhooHoo! It's mostly one-on-one bowling, except mabey for 2 to 3 pairs of lanes that had two additional bowlers.
The first pattern we bowled on was the Chameleon. Me personally, I was throwing around the 10 board to start, and migrated inwards from there. Only shot 527 series due to loss of concentration and focus, because I hurt my wrist in the 5th or 6th frame in the second game. Yes it's an excuse, but it's the truth though. Games thrown in the following order:

1.) 213
2.) 178
3.) 136

Anywho, had fun and really enjoyed the competition. Didn't win any points, but correct that for the Cheeta next Monday. People, for what its worth, start a PBA Exp. League. You will find folks who want to bowl on these conditions.
When you''ve moved up, moved back, adjusted left and right, cupped, flattened out, have thrown everyting in your arsenal, and the pins still don''t cooperate, just say, "Aw to HELL with it!", and throw the ball!



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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 12:00:59 PM »
yea im 5 weeks in my pba experience league im averaging 180 not too bad but on the scorpian i was 159 pins over average and that was yesterday i love bowling sport leagues
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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 12:27:30 PM »
I am really enjoying my Summer PBAX league as well.

Definitely a good way to improve your game.
Repetition is everything..


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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 12:53:32 PM »
yep did my first PBA league last night, they laid down the chameleon. It was a finicky pattern once transition started showing up.

Started out 223, going 17 out to 12-13 pretty tight line with an Element NE10 which that line looked really good all game unless I threw it out past 10 which was no mans land with that ball. 2nd game sucked, line i had was gone, tried moving around and just couldn't find anything, missed like 2 single pin spares, and had 2 7-10 splits. Third game ball change moved a little deapper, and did ok with 180 something.

Started out with a 185 average for the first night, pretty happy about that. I think this league will be really fun, and a great learning experience.

Crappy thin was we only had 8 guys show up, so hopefully they will fill up some more next week
What is sandbagging???


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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 01:42:23 PM »
we started on shark and as normal, everybody stunk up the place, only 1 person out of 32 over 200 average, i fell off the wagon, missing spares and just losing focus, after 12 games, 150 average but viper is up next and i tried 6 games on that, 215 average so that should defiantly help
Nothing Hits Like A Roto Grip
In The Bag All 15s:
Roto Grip Rogue Cell
Global 900 Break S75
Roto Grip Grand Illusion
Raw Hammer Toxic
Roto Grip Neptune
WWF Rock Spare Ball
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

Sure Thing
Black Boost
Hybrid Boost
Black Ops
Special Ops


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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 01:50:22 PM »
I start mine tonight. I'm simultaneously nervous and excited. Most likely scenario is I'll stink, but it's always more gratifying when you're able to figure out difficult situations. That, and I get to have a Rogue Cell for joining

Any last minute advice for a first timer? I haven't played on any of the PBA patterns, but I have played on some Kegel Challenge Series patterns to get an idea. That helps a little bit, right?


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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 01:55:44 PM »
I start mine tonight. I'm simultaneously nervous and excited. Most likely scenario is I'll stink, but it's always more gratifying when you're able to figure out difficult situations. That, and I get to have a Rogue Cell for joining

Any last minute advice for a first timer? I haven't played on any of the PBA patterns, but I have played on some Kegel Challenge Series patterns to get an idea. That helps a little bit, right?

the best thing is to goto and goto sport and read up on how to play the lanes depending on volume lane surface and style of play will dictate where you play. also look at where the pros play on tv
--------------------  check out my bowling vids

Edited on 6/2/2009 1:56 PM

Edited on 6/2/2009 1:56 PM


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Re: PBA Experience League
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2009, 02:04:10 PM »
I bowled on Shark last night, opening night and went -29 for 6 games.  We did get to bowl on the Chameleon our meeting night 2 weeks ago and shot a 635 for 3.
Don't be afraid of failing, be affraid of not trying!