I am in the middle of trying to fix a back angle problem and just had a major break through. If any body has a similar problem this might speed up your learning curve.
This picture shows the problem in all its gory details.
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3869261This picture shows the ball gets so low I need to move my whole body out of the way to avoid having the ball hit my leg. This makes me drift a good 5 boards left on my third step.

This also makes my timing late and at times gets the ball behind my back.
I fixed some of this at Kegel. Here is an improvement.
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3872585But its not as good as the master David Ozio !
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3872587Just that little bit of improvement helped me do several things better.
1. Actually get lower at the line by staying straighter at the start.
2. My trail leg stays lower giving me better balance.
3. My elbow stays behind the shot better.
All of this shown here.
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3872586Now I just fixed the whole problem in about 6 shots. The whole thing was actually done by accident. I was practicing when a friend comes over to shoot the breeze. He has this problem of not letting the ball swing. So I get up on the approach to show him how to just let gravity swing the ball. What I did was just walk like normal letting gravity swing the ball. No knee bend or back bend. The ball only went about 12 mph with not much revs. But I kept my back straight and had a free swing ! I did this a few more times to get the feel of my straighter back angle each time using more and more swing. I still did not bend my knees. After about 4 shots I started to bend my knees and hit the ball more. All's I can say is OMG ! I no longer had to fight with my body to keep my back straighter. The swing was free and in rhythm. Even my friend could not believe how fast my back angle changed and my swing improved.
Just hope this helps somebody out there.
Edited on 11/1/2006 5:47 PM
Edited on 11/1/2006 6:27 PM