Thanks for the replies and words of encouragement. One piece of advice that I've read countless times that I'm trying to follow is to approach the game one frame at a time and not let a bad frame, whether it was because of something I did wrong or just due to bad luck (karma??) and the pins didn't fall the way I thought they should have, let that effect the next frame or the rest of the game. Sometimes that's easier said than done, especially when you know you've nailed it and that one pin is left standing. Or worse yet, you're left with a split. But at that point all you can do is pick (or try to pick) the spare and move on. I think frustration was/is my biggest enemy because I would make adjustments when I really didn't need to, trying to force the ball into the pocket instead of just making a nice smooth delivery, hitting my mark and letting the ball do the work.
Thanks again!!