Here is a cool thing a coach showed me.
first you have to know 2 things. how many boards is there between yout slide foot and the where the ball crosses the line. second, where is your ball path and where does it cross yourt taget.
after knowing that, throw your shot. do you think you hit it? take some yarn(with managment persmision) lay the yarn at your set down point and the drag it out over the target. you will see that a tight set down say 5 boards at your original line 25- 10.( you didn't say where your breakpoint was.) may not be physically possible. it will point right at the gutter at 25 feet. it may show that to cross the second arrow and hit about 45 feet the 5th board you may have to stand 17.
this is a cool thing to see. it can show you that you may not be anywhere close to what you "Think". you can teel you are pulling it or forcing it becaue a free arm swing with good foot work goes through target.
this is a great mental picture to carry with you.
this also helps you line up a shot. say the oil line is about 10 and you want to go stright up the boards. you have 7 boards bewteen your set down. you have to stand at 17. need to get it a few boards right? open your shoulders or move 1 board left.
good luck on future lessons and bowl well
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny